The term Double-Predestination is somewhat misleading in my estimation. Though I do in fact believe this doctrine and all it entails (mainly based on the texts within Exodus of God hardening Pharoah’s heart and Paul reiterating the point of that story in Romans 9), and because of the logical outcome that if God chooses some He inherently chooses to pass over others, the term seems to imply to many adamantly opposed to this doctrine that God, by His sheer decree, forces people into hell, and thus God would be unloving for doing so. This understanding of this doctrine is wrong and misses the point. God is sovereign, and yet man is responsible. This is a paradox. Both are true and yet they seem to contradict each other, but they don’t. How you ask? Well, Scripture is silent, and thus, so are we. It is indeed a mystery. However, Scripture is very clear that apart from an inward change initiated and carried out by the Holy Spirit, all men would always exercise their will and choose to rebel against God, thus being deserving of eternal torment. We must remember that our will’s, in addition to every facet of our existence is tainted and corrupted by sin. Therefore, if this is true, that man will always turn from God apart from His grace intervening in our wicked hearts, that means God must make an active decision to save some of the human race. But in saving some, God does not force the rest into hell. They choose to go there of their own volition, being “by nature objects of wrath” (Ephesians 2:1-3). With these unbelievers though, God sovereignly doesn’t intervene to change their hearts and allows them to continue in their rebellion against Him, deservingly perishing. God cannot successfully and truthfully be blamed for their sin and their wicked disposition. So in one sense God is not active in forcing them into hell, but in another sense He is sovereign over all things and can do as He pleases with His own creation and is therefore active in that He always accomplishes His good purposes, as difficult as that is for us to swallow. So to sum up, God is active in saving the elect, passive in regard to the non-elect, lifting His restraint and allowing the wicked to continue in their natural state, in sin, rebellion, and unbelief, and yet God is sovereign over all of it and is active in all of it. As Tommy Nelson from Denton Bible Church puts it, to the unbeliever God says, “Thy Will Shall Be Done, ” but to the believer God says, “Thy Will Shall Not Be Done, ” and then intervenes with free, unmerited, grace provided through the cross of Christ, made effectual by the Holy Spirit, in order that the elect will repent and believe in Christ of their own, newly regenerated will.