“No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day.” – John 6:44
When sticking with this one verse (Jesus’ own statement) you cannot escape the conclusion: No one comes to Jesus, believes in Jesus, cares anything about Jesus, unless the Father who sent Jesus draws that person to Him, and the one who comes to Christ in faith will be raised on the last day. Which comes first, the giving of the person by the Father to Jesus, or the person coming to Jesus? This verse is clear. The Father does something that has an effect. Regeneration (the new birth) precedes and gives rise to faith, monergism. Bryson attempts to reconcile his free-will theology with what is plainly stated in this verse.
(Image courtesy of Monergism.com) Even though I could go through and give arguments for each of the five points, I believe this is much more helpful. This debate cuts directly through to the core of the matter. Many believers who know and love Christ disagree on Calvinism and its tenets,…
A Bulldozer Against Synergism: Monergism / Synergism Debate - John Hendryx (Absolutely Excellent!) I cannot stress the importance of understanding what is at stake here in this debate. Many believers set this debate aside as a "non-issue" or that we're just arguing over theological semantics that have no real significance…
This is a necessary piece of information in understanding how we were saved, and can drastically affect how we worship our Creator. As many have been taught over the years in the church, the passage of John 3:1-15 has been explained to us to say that once you believe then…
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