Gospel. Culture. Technology. Music.

Month: November 2015

The Covenant of Redemption


Does the Covenant of Redemption Compromise Orthodox Trinitarianism? This is one of the criticisms Scott Swain answers leveled against covenant theology in a series of posts specifically on the covenant of redemption. The criticism leveled is that if there are multiple parties within the godhead who then make covenants with each other, the door is then open for heretical arguments of tritheism. Nothing could be further from the truth of scripture and reason as he shows. To see and grasp this doctrine from scripture is to see the beauty of God’s work in eternity in establishing the basis for the gospel, for from this everything else springs: the Father, Son and Spirit’s intentionality in carrying out the work of redemption. To unfold this doctrine is to unfold the very love of God Himself.

Despair, Exhausted Consumerist-Revolution Style

Paul Krugman wrote an article today that hits on something many have observed for quite some time: the spreading wave of despair and darkness over average Americans’ lives, in this case, particularly middle-aged whites. This is not a new revelation, but it is something mainstream economists and commentators like Krugman are starting to catch wind of in their thought, at least in the academic/statistical realm. On a side note, while eschewing any exacerbation of this problem by the left and then subsequently blaming the “volatility of right-wing politics,” he still makes some good points, without offering any solutions. Regardless, to point, Krugman writes this:

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