Gospel. Culture. Technology. Music.

Month: December 2016

The King and Head of the Church

From the Preface to the Presbyterian Church in America‘s Book of Church Order (2016)

The Weight of 24-Hour News Omniscience

Humans weren’t designed to know everything that’s happening in the world all the time: the despair, the suffering, the trials, the overwhelming injustices and the immensity of the problems in our modern industrialized, global society, can easily topple us emotionally and even spiritually. The Internet and its various information-pushing innovations over time, have all made it possible to know the massive tragedies in other countries, in real-time, in such a way that it can almost feel like the world is ending. All the time. Man can’t bear the weight of such knowledge.

Our Assured Hope

Living between the first and second advents of Christ, caught between the already and the not yet, as His people, ours is an assured hope, wrapped up and summarized in the words of Christ: “It is finished.” And yet it’s a hope that contains an honest recognition of the present realities of the corrosion and decay ushered into the world by a single act of defiance against the rights of our Creator, transmitted and carried down through successive generations, even us, even me. It recognizes that the “not yet” aspect of our daily lives is all too real.

2AM, Late Night MTV, Circa 1995 (Video)

What MTV used to be like in 1995 at 2AM, after a night of… well, partying (in my former, rebellious days of course). The film, entitled Westworld, is slightly disturbing war footage with Aphex Twin and Stakker music overlaid. As a piece of video/music art of sorts, without words, it captures the darkness of 20th century warfare during the Cold War in Asia:

Bearing with the Unanswered Question

“I do know that waiting on God requires the willingness to bear uncertainty, to carry within oneself the unanswered question, lifting the heart to God about it whenever it intrudes upon one’s thoughts. Its easy to talk oneself into a decision that has no permanence – easier sometimes than to wait patiently.” – Elisabeth Elliot

It is in times of distress and suffering that the deep questions come to mind concerning suffering and the goodness of God. Is He really for me? What are His purposes in this? Why is this happening? If He’s all-powerful, why does He fail to act? How can something so horrible happen to [fill in the blank]?

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