Gospel. Culture. Technology. Music.

Month: April 2021

Sovereignty of God in Salvation – A Prayer

Father, apart from Jesus and the work of Your Holy Spirit in our salvation, we can do nothing. In our natural, sinful state apart from Your intervention, we can’t lift a finger to perform some work or make a step toward You in righteousness. In fact we are opposed to You. We are unholy, depraved, and sinful beyond what we can even understand as Romans 3 makes clear, to the point that even our wills need Your life-giving touch.

The God of Life-Giving – A Prayer

You are the God who gives food to the hungry and in Jesus you miraculously fed the five thousand from very little. You LORD set the prisoners free and in Jesus You freed the man from the legion of Demons and the self-destruction inflicted; You LORD open the eyes of the blind, and in Jesus you said the word to many who were blind and immediately they received their sight. You LORD lift up those who are bowed down and in Jesus You greatly blessed and upheld a prostitute who washed Your feet with her tears and hair in remorse and repentance and love For Christ; You LORD love the righteous. You LORD watch over the sojourners and those without a home; You uphold the widow and the fatherless, the abused, the broken, the chastised, all those who suffer deeply, but the way of the wicked You bring to ruin. The prideful, haughty, evil, and self-sufficient You oppose.

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