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Author: David Westerfield Page 36 of 118

Climategate: It’s Spinning Out of Control

Links found on DrudgeReport:

CLIMATEGATE: Scientist at center of e-mail controversy to step down…
Penn State Professor also under investigation…
Inhofe Asks Boxer to Probe Potential Scientific ‘Conspiracy’…
Australia’s Parliament defeats global warming bill…
‘It’s all unravelling now’…
North Texas Wakes to Big Snowflakes… (Yes, they are big snowflakes! So awesome and beautiful)

Another link found on BigGovernment.com:

Let’s Not Forget Big Media’s Role in ClimateGate – Jonah Goldberg

Murdoch on Government Involvement in Journalism

Excerpt from this article in which Murdoch speaks about government involvement in journalism:

“As for the government stepping in [to journalism], Murdoch said he feared, and others should to, the growing drumbeat for government assistance should be as alarming as overregulation. That includes providing taxpayer funds for journalism or giving them nonprofit status in exchange for giving up the right to endorse political candidates.

He said that would only prop up those who produce what customers don’t want, subsidizing failure and penalizing success. He said that government inserting itself into commercial journalism should be “chilling” to anyone concerned about the First Amendment.”

Green River Ordinance – Come On

Green River Ordinance, a band of some friends from Christ Chapel, have a new music video that has premiered on MTVu.com. Check out their latest album on Lala.com: Enjoy!

The Most Interesting Hacked Email from the UEA’s CRU

In sorting through the tons of data uncovered by “hackers” (or most likely an insider) from the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit, the collusion among scientists to thwart dissent is clearly established. The data manipulation of the global temperature of the past 100 years and the Medieval period in particular are the most important finds to me, because it shows the warming and cooling of the Earth’s temperature to be natural, not changed by man’s activities or lack thereof.

However, I was alerted to a rather fascinating email within the assortment of hacked emails apparently sent to a distribution list that doesn’t have a lot to do with the environment or global warming in particular, though it certainly includes that in what is discussed. The person(s) who received this email are not made known in the file. I just find it interesting anyone was receiving information from such an organization at all. I’ll just let you read it for yourself. Yes, you can find this information on the internet anywhere. The issue here is the fact that some scientists or researchers or somebody at CRU received this email. We don’t know who necessarily, but someone received it and signed up for regular updates and newsletters.

I have no commentary to add really other than this reads like a sci-fi plot … but no, these people are for real. You can’t make this stuff up … yes, A Global ‘Utopia’ is desired by at least one of the members of the CRU it appears. Do you think it’s a coincidence that the new EU President (a position just created) is calling for the ‘global management of our planet‘? I’m just asking because officials are now openly talking about this stuff. Maybe we should pay attention to what they’re doing and pay attention to what happens at Copenhagen and pay attention to what President Obama does at this meeting.

I realize this email is from six years ago. But the agenda hasn’t changed one iota. And again, the issue here is that any scientists or workers are signed up to receive emails from this kooky organization at all:

Recovering True Religion

While many are well-intentioned in saying, “I hate religion, but I love Jesus,” or, “It’s not about a religion but a relationship [with God],” it seems the word ‘religion’ itself has come under intense fire as a source of all kinds of evil, particularly amongst the evangelical landscape. There is some validity to this assumption looking back upon our history as fallen sinners (or even the present day), where in the name of religion, many horrible things have been done to others. And in the last 50 years there is more weight given to this view that the concept of religion is a bad thing based upon the kinds of Christian groups who picket absolutely everything the world does they don’t like, or which threaten their reign on things of this world.

However, those wise men of old who have gone before us to be with the Savior knew the problem wasn’t with religion itself. The problem is sinful man and the work of Satan have distorted what the Puritans called ‘true religion,’ that is a living faith granted by the living God in which we do that which is pleasing to Him, initiated by and through the work of Christ’s grace alone. One of those men who has gone before us (though not a Puriran per se, but certainly within the same tradition) was Louis Berkhof.

Worst Scientific Scandal of our Generation

Climate change: this is the worst scientific scandal of our generation

“The reason why even the Guardian’s George Monbiot has expressed total shock and dismay at the picture revealed by the [climate change] documents is that their authors are not just any old bunch of academics. Their importance cannot be overestimated, What we are looking at here is the small group of scientists who have for years been more influential in driving the worldwide alarm over global warming than any others, not least through the role they play at the heart of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).”

The Dollar Bubble

Bottomline: we are going to have to get back to producing and saving in this country and move away from consuming and spending (particularly money we don’t have) before things get better. It could be a long slog ahead.

The Real Issue with Dubai’s Debt

Dubai is just a harbinger of things to come for sovereign debt – Jeremy Warner

These are the exact things Peter Schiff and Gerald Celente were warning about a while back. The issue with this surprise Dubai news is not that they may default on $80-90 billion in debt (the news that came out today). Rather, looking into the near future, this event may be a foreshadowing of things to come with the large industrialized nations. That’s why there was a global sell-off.

In 2007 to 2008, a financial crisis came upon the private sector. And so what did governments do? They bought up the debt amounting to trillions of dollars ($15.3 trillion to be exact). So now governments around the world hold an unsustainable amount of debt. Now what? Jeremy Warner explains it well here:

“The fear is that threatened default in this tiny desert kingdom is just a harginger of things to come for government debt markets as a whole. According to new estimates by Moody’s, the credit rating agency, the total stock of sovereign debt worldwide will have risen by nearly 50 per cent between 2007 and 2010 to $15.3 trillion. The great bulk of this increase comes not from irrelevant little states like Dubai, but from the big advanced economies – America, Europe, and Japan.”

“Up until now, markets have assumed that the ruinous fiscal cost of addressing the financial and economic crisis was probably just about affordable to the major economies. That view may be about to be challenged.”

These issues here (amongst others) are exactly why the government should stay out of the free market. Let the companies crash that need to crash. Get rid of the entire category of “too big to fail” and let the market do what it needs to do. Governments, when they intervene, wind up distorting and elongating what should have been a two year economic meltdown at max, only for some form of short-term economic gain. Now, governments are looking like they can’t pay the bills. Lo and behold: Keynesianism in action!

Now we’ll have to see if the rest of Celente’s predictions and forecasting comes true, which is that governments, as a response to not being able to pay debt bills, will have to raise taxes, which will then in response cause some form of a tax revolt among the people. You think the tea parties were crazy? Just wait and see if they try to do this.

Latest on ClimateGate

Found on DrudgeReport:

UK: Pretending the climate email leak isn’t a crisis won’t make it go away…
US: Impression left by emails is that global warming game has been rigged from start…
AUSTRALIA: Five MPs lead the way by resigning in disgust over carbon tax…
NEW ZEALAND: Climate Science Coalition caught lying about temp trends…
RUSSIA: Что скрывают ученые о глобальном потеплении?…

Thankful For the Active Obedience of Christ

J. Gresham Machen on the Active Obedience of Christ:

“Do you see? Christ has passed the test. He has earned the reward. Heaven has been secured by his perfect obedience to God’s law. And he did not do all this for himself as if he needed to earn heaven for himself. He did all this for his people – even for you, O believer! On your behalf, he actively obeyed, thereby saving you and placing you beyond the possibility of ever becoming unrighteous again. Your status is secured eternally – what a great hope!” So when you comprehend the full obedience of Jesus Christ – both active and passive – you understand why Dr. Machen had such great hope as he lay upon his deathbed. In his own words, “How gloriously complete is the salvation wrought for us by Christ! Christ paid the penalty, and He merited the reward. Those are the two great things that He has done for us.” No hope without it! Complete hope with it!”

The Active Obedience of Christ – Wayne Grudem:

“If Christ had only earned forgiveness of sins for us, then we would not merit heaven. Our guilt would have been removed, but we would simply be in the position of Adam and Eve before they had done anything good or bad and before they had passed a time of probation successfully. To be established in righteousness forever and to have their fellowship with God made sure forever, Adam and Eve had to obey God perfectly over a period of time. Then God would have looked on their faithful obedience with pleasure and delight, and they would have lived with him in fellowship forever.

For this reason, Christ had to live a life of perfect obedience to God in order to earn righteousness for us. He had to obey the law for his whole life on our behalf so that the positive merits of his perfect obedience would be counted for us. Sometimes this is called Christ’s “active obedience,” while his suffering and dying for our sins is called his “passive obedience.” Paul says his goal is that he may be found in Christ, “not having a righteousness of [his] own based on law, but that which is through faith in Christ the righteousness from God that depends on faith” (Phil. 3:9). It is not just moral neutrality that Paul knows he needs from Christ (that is, a clean slate with sins forgiven), but a positive moral righteousness. And he knows that that cannot come from himself, but must come through faith in Christ. Similarly, Paul says that Christ has been made “our righteousness” (1 Cor. 1:30). And he quite explicitly says, “For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by one man’s obedience many will be made righteous” (Rom. 5:19).”

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