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Category: Politics Page 6 of 19

Dr. Jerome Corsi Speaks of ‘Global New Deal’ Being Forged

Part 1:

The Dawn of the Nanny State

Mom told she can’t watch friends’ kids – UPI

Found on Drudge Report:

Take it!

Take it!

Stop it!

This was not a drill … they used these LRAD sound weapons on the protesters at the G20 meeting in Pittsburgh … this is one such clip of its actual use:

Government Action Creating Larger Moral Hazard Than Before Crisis

Peter Schiff is Officially Running For Senate

Something They Won’t Show You in the Mainstream Media About the Protests This Past Weekend

I think this movement is just getting started. Combine the prospect (and likelihood) of more excessive taxes and government control on the unemployed and already burdened, and you get a large group of ticked off people. Are these the roots of a revolution if things don’t start reversing? I don’t know, depends on what happens in the next year or two from now with legislation, the economy and next years’ elections. If things get worse as some economists are predicting (who rightly predicted last years’ crisis), the numbers could grow significantly.

As Gerald Celente said in predicting this trend earlier this year, “When people lose everything and they have nothing to lose, they lose it.” Hopefully that will not happen. So far, it is a non-violent movement. But if people get pressed far enough, anything is possible. I’m not saying I condone such a thing if it turned to that. I would decline to participate. I’m just pointing out the possibility.

Most Republican politicians don’t seem to have the fight in them that many of these protesters do. So could a third party, a truly conservative group of honest politicians get elected? It would be nice, but as one political commentator said recently on a show I was listening to, we need to first get competent politicians elected who know how the machine of economics and politics works.

Just check out the sea of people in this video, it’s really quite amazing:

Controversial Video Shown to Elementary Students

Parents upset over ‘leftist propaganda’ video (Archive)

Many of the things each celebrity lists in this video are inherently good things. I’m absolutely an advocate of looking after my neighbor’s interests and not only my own, though of course not through a government mandate, but willingness of heart. Loving our neighbors as ourselves is part of the summing up of the entire law, according to Jesus Himself. And just on its face, this is a virtue any society should uphold. I’m also in favor of building stronger communities in which we do help each other, although of course I believe the church should be a strong, influential, integral member in the community as well, in order that the Gospel may spread to those who don’t know Christ.

What I primarily negate in this video (even before the political aspect) is the worldview and theological perspective this understanding of serving others springs from: it is secular, postmodern humanism, that is, the exaltation of humanity. Some version of this can be seen in history in Genesis 11:1-11 at the Tower of Babel. Humans were made (dare I say designed) to worship. And if we don’t worship the Lord, the true God, and refuse to make Him the center of our lives through Christ alone, we will worship something else, of necessity. Martin Luther called the human heart an “idol factory.” And rightfully so.

Agreed: Reasonable Questions

I listen to Glenn Beck occasionally and think he comes unhinged a lot. And I obviously don’t agree with his assessments concerning “faith” in these videos. But these are absolutely valid questions and concerns he raises, many of the same one’s I have based on a lot of the same evidence and information I have been researching as well. And it has zero to do with race … good grief, come on MSNBC.

Eisenhower’s Farewell Address – 1961

Text (Archive) – MP3 (Archive) – Video

Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine – 1961

This couldn’t be any more prescient:

Interesting quotes by Norman Thomas, six times candidate for President under the Socialist Party ticket, one of which is mentioned in the audio above:

“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened.” – Norman Thomas, 1927

“I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democrat Party has adopted our platform.” – Norman Thomas

Hans-Hermann Hoppe on Healthcare Reform

A Four-Step Healthcare Solution (Archive)

This post will undoubtedly be met with a complete misunderstanding of what these solutions would actually do for those who cannot currently get health insurance (namely because of costs, resulting ultimately from government meddling, which has had a domino effect in the private sector). In particular, many will consider the proposal below of “[eliminating] all subsidies to the sick or unhealthy,” as a flagrant attack on the poor, sick and disenfranchised, when in reality, it will actually have the opposite effect of what might be expected. To many, such a proposal seems counter-intuitive, but the incentive created for the poor will be that costs are lowered, making it affordable for them.

I just wanted to preface the intent here, since some seem intent on framing such a proposal as “evil conservatism.” Such an assumption by some, to me at least, shows a great deal of intellectual dishonesty in not dealing with the argument proposed here. Letting the free market work, and getting the quasi-Marxism out of the mix, will have drastic effects on getting better healthcare coverage for all, including the poor and sick. If you disagree, fine. But don’t label such an idea as evil when clearly the goal is making healthcare available and more affordable for everyone.

The solution to our health care woes is not to put more regulations or government control over this sector of our economy or to provide a public option which will stifle competition and create less incentive in the market. The real solution is to free it from the bureaucratic and government constraints, getting rid of the subsidies and red tape. This will inevitably lower prices, which will create the incentive for many more people to purchase insurance at a reasonable price that cannot currently.

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