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Economic Predictions for 2010

Not pretty scenarios. Government spending has thrown free market mechanism’s into distortion and disarray. So it should shape up to be an interesting year.

There are various takes on how everything will pan out. The MSM (main-stream media) paints everything as a rosy picture: we’re coming out of the recession and things will only get better, we hear.

However, all of the realistic economists, the one’s who rightly predicted crashes in recent years, are predicting some hard events that will take place this year forward.

What Is Christmas About? – The Good News of An Objective Salvation

Re-post from December 24, 2008.

Toxic Waste Dumping Story Censored by UK Government

I only heard about this yesterday, but the news apparently broke in May of this year, as I understand it. Terrible story. For the sake of a Euro, the company, Trafigura (or rather another company they hired allegedly), illegally dumped toxic wastes in the Ivory Coast city of Aberjian that has affected more than 100,000 people.

Equally as nauseating is the fact that by secret injunction (that has since been leaked), the UK government censored the media from reporting on it by implementing a gag order enforceable by law. Check out this Wikileaks link: http://wikileaks.org/wiki/Minton.

In Copenhagen, Environmentalism is the New Socialism

Little Known Piece of History From the 1930’s

Peter Schiff Debates David Epstein of Columbia University

Two kinds of economists exist in the world: those who know first-hand the inner-workings of the economy and those who theorize about how they think it should work and implement policies that have the opposite effect intended. That is the story of the difference between the Austrian school of economics and Keynesianism. One view is real-world, the other is from an alternate universe (yeah, okay, that was a strawman :] ).

Green River Ordinance – Come On

Green River Ordinance, a band of some friends from Christ Chapel, have a new music video that has premiered on MTVu.com. Check out their latest album on Lala.com: Enjoy!

The Dollar Bubble

Bottomline: we are going to have to get back to producing and saving in this country and move away from consuming and spending (particularly money we don’t have) before things get better. It could be a long slog ahead.

Glenn Beck on The CRU Hack

I’m not a big Glenn Beck fan, not so much because of the content (since I too am puzzled by many of the same things presented in his recent “questioning” series), but rather I’m not a fan because of the entertainment/drama meets news thing. Regardless, this was worth posting.

Peter Schiff on Health Care

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