Gospel. Culture. Technology. Music.

Tag: 2015

Coventry Carol

Growing up, during Christmas time, my parents would check out medieval Christmas vinyl’s from the local library and there was one particular carol that had such a striking tune and I couldn’t remember or figure out what it was until a few years ago. I guess it may just be nostalgia, but it’s one of my favorite tunes during Christmas. Enjoy …

Icahn’s Concerns for the Economy at Large

This is an excerpt from Zerohedge: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-12-11/carl-icahn-warns-meltdown-high-yield-just-beginning

Over the course of 15 minutes, Icahn lays out his concerns about many of the issues we’ve been warning about for years and while none of what he says will come as a surprise (especially to those who frequent these pages), the video, called “Danger Ahead”, is probably worth your time as it does a fairly good job of summarizing how the various risk factors work to reinforce one another on the way to setting the stage for a meltdown. Here’s a list of Icahn’s concerns:

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