The stakes in the climate change/global warming debate are getting raised to levels many of us should really be concerned about now. As if the cap and trade/tax bill wasn’t enough to cause concern for the stability of our economy, there is now a treaty to be signed in Copenhagen at a UN meeting. Some are saying it would cede U.S. sovereignty and accountability to a global government who would essentially be in charge of redistributing wealth from the Western world to third world countries as a sort of penance for our assumed climate crimes.

Many are speaking out on this issue. On the one hand you have the skeptics, such as myself, whose voices are growing, even from within the scientific community (700 dissenting scientists from within the IPCC), who are very concerned about the real intentions of this treaty. On the other hand, you have those, such as Al Gore and the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, who are boldly saying we are all in agreement, all on the same page concerning the evidence as well as what needs to be done.