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Tag: Carbon

Telegraph: There’ll Be Nowhere to Run From the New World Government

There’ll be nowhere to run from the new world government – Telegraph

Now that’s a newspaper headline you don’t see every day. I’m not one to jump on the ‘conspiracy’ band-wagon, but this isn’t even conspiratorial: what we are entering into, and what just happened in Copenhagen, is just out in the open, being talked about by leaders and promoted by the media.

Now to be sure, as far as global warming is concerned, the accord they came up with accomplished little more than what Kyoto accomplished: good will toward reducing emissions. The carbon output of 60 developing nations for an entire year, and all they achieved was good-will? That is of course if you believe CO2 to be a toxic substance, you know, the same substance required for … life. I digress.

However, what was clear from Copenhagen is that a network of nations is emerging as having clear control over the affairs of the people they govern throughout the developed and even developing world (something the third world nations were irate about after the Danish text leak revealed something to this effect). There are some very good arguments particularly pertaining to democracy in this article. Here are some choice quotes (my insertions in brackets):

What Would it Take? The Global Warming Fiasco

http://blogs.usatoday.com/weather/2008/ … e-bra.html

What exactly would it take for you to be personally convinced that man-made global warming is a giant lie for the most part? Now to be totally fair, many scientists (even the one’s against the global-warming marketing agenda) actually agree that man-made influences have a factor to play in the warming of the Earth, but that the percentage is too insignificant to account for in the climatological models. Furthermore, the founder of the Weather Channel himself came out a while back saying those who believe man’s CO2 output is what is changing the atmosphere have absolutely no understanding of how the climate works.

Anyway, would you be convinced that the fear-mongering of those like Gore is totally without warrant if expert climatologists from MIT, Princeton (NOAA), and the National Hurricane Conference all said the data proposed by warming activists was bogus? I hope you would. And that is exactly what has happened. According to William Gray at the National Hurricane Conference this year, we are brainwashing our kids at a young age within the education system to believe our world is on the brink of utter “natural disaster” destruction (from hurricanes and floods in particular). This is misinformation at best. Think about the impact this has on a young mind’s perspective of the world. They are being taught that unless they act in drastic ways, the weather will get worse, floods will get worse and everything will fall apart in the natural order.

Yet these major scientists cited in this article are very clear that if the Earth warms, hurricanes will not increase but decrease in severity. Then they go on to say that what really influences hurricanes is the temperature fluctuations in the ocean. Hmm … so who do you believe? Al Gore, who says those (like these elite expert climatologists and myself) that deny man-made global warming are the same as those who say the Earth is flat? Or some hardcore scientists who know what the junk they’re talking about? I just don’t know how much clearer this could be. I would like to see Gore’s tax records … don’t you think it’s mildly possible he (and CNN, NBC (and its parent, GE), now the Weather Channel, and many many other organizations) are all doing this for a giant sack of mullah? Much in the same way they hypocritically accuse big oil? I mean let’s just be fair. Gore and his cronies are just as guilty of profiteering off of environmentalism as any oil exec, don’t you think?

The reason this is even an issue for me is not just because of the clear scientific data out there. And it’s really not even ultimately about guys like Gore making a ton of cash off of it (though of course that chaps me a bit). It has more to do with the fact that political policies are being implemented to steer this country toward a more secular view of the world in attempting to fix a phantom problem known as man-made global warming. That affects all of us, and ultimately it affects Christian witness to the Gospel. What if we are making policies and guidelines that are chasing after a giant lie, but that in doing so we are moving toward a more “utopian,” godless way of viewing the world and way of living? Is that remotely possible? Have we not seen in the 20th century what happens when godless, atheistic rulers take over entire cultures? Yeah, and they thought it would never happen there either …

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