After performing some trial and error with migrating the Managed Metadata Service databases and attempting to attach the databases in another farm in hopes it would just come up, I came to the conclusion that this isn’t the best option. These are my steps for migrating the Managed Metadata Service from one farm to another. In my situation, we had an ESF farm setup where several services were hosted and are primary farm connected over to those services via a remote connection. I was tasked with migrating those services over to the primary farm to simplify the architecture. So these steps involve dropping the remote connection and re-creating it in the primary farm.
Tag: Move
Since I had to piece together how to accomplish the migration of a host-named site collection (HNSC) I had already setup in SharePoint 2013, from one farm to another, I figured I would outline exactly how to do it. In my case, I needed the HNSC to be in its own content database, I’m targeting a particular web app with the HNSC as opposed to using a wildcard web app to handle the hostnames, and all of this is assuming you have your rights setup to be able to carry out all of this; SQL, SharePoint farm account and otherwise. With that said…