Gospel. Culture. Technology. Music.

Tag: radio

Debate: Dr. James White versus Dr. David Bernard, Trinity versus Oneness

In this radio debate, Dr. James White (Trinity) and Dr. David Bernard (Oneness) debate whether the trinity is a biblical doctrine or not. Good stuff:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Little Known Piece of History From the 1930’s

A Discussion on Christianity and Culture (MP3)

This is a very important program that ministers, leaders, counselors, and pastors in the church should take the time to listen to. The White Horse Inn radio program recently did a show entitled The Foolishness of God in which a discussion took place on the relationship of the church to culture. There are a thousand different “approaches” out there. But more and more, it seems many within evangelicalism are bent on the idea that the primary role of the church is to address the various needs of the culture in various temporal ways, instead of primarily ministering the Gospel to its own people. This isn’t just in the emerging church now either, it’s in many average evangelical congregations and fellowships. The question is which approach is Biblical?

westerfunk.net >>> radio (experimental)

Well, I’m experimenting with a new radio channel, “westerfunk.net >>> radio.” Check it out on westerfunk.net/radio. I don’t have it listed on any Shoutcast servers, mainly because I don’t want a ton of traffic (or RIAA and/or the FCC to come beat down my door). I mainly wanted to set it up to play with Shoutcast and learn how to setup this amazing free audio/video streaming server. I have most of my favorite bands, DJ mixes, and other various stuff playing on there now, so feel free to check it out from the links above. It’s broadcasting on TCP ports 8000 and 8002 (Lo-Fi and Hi-Fi, respectively) so you may not be able to get to it through certain firewall setups (such as a work environment), but give it a shot anyway and shoot me an email and tell me what you think.

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