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Tag: Spiritual Formation

What Kind of Person Are You Becoming?

Having read James K.A. Smith’s book You Are What You Love, this quote, that the way to the heart is through the body, has been on my mind after seeing it in the tweet above. It sums up a very vital point: the habits and patterns in your life, what you’re filling your mind with via the eye and ear on a habitual basis, what activities you participate in, what you read, are not something you merely control, external to you, but rather, they are actually forming you. They are shaping the direction of your life, your heart.

Desiring and Imagining the Kingdom

Brian Davis, the pastor of Trinity Presbyterian Church, a PCA church plant in Fort Worth that is starting up in August (that our family will be attending :)), recommended a couple of books that look really interesting on spiritual formation: Desiring the Kingdom and Imagining the Kingdom by James K.A. Smith.

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