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Tag: Washington

Time for Another Joel Osteen Post

Osteen seems to be getting so much attention lately with his DC rally/revival, I see more and more friends posting quotes from him that are simply lies, so it’s time for another post detailing precisely where he goes wrong. And this is not unimportant.


Not so recently:

Matt Drudge at the National Press Club in 1998

Matt Drudge makes great points on journalism in this speech he gave to the National Press Club in DC on June 2, 1998. Just think of what the main-stream media has become the 12 years that has passed since this was recorded: a pure marketing outlet for governments and corporations to spin things however which way they deem necessary to suit their agenda. And it’s no wonder the new media, the very thing he envisioned in this speech, is taking off. And it’s no wonder the Federal government (FTC/FCC) wants to squelch it. All his points still apply, and then some.

Climate Change Theory Once Again Shown For What it Is

Links found on DrudgeReport:

BBC: What happened to global warming?

Montana cold breaks records...

Records in Idaho threaten potato crops...

Austria: Earliest snowfall in history...

Man has microphone cut off after asking about 'errors' in Gore film...


Energy crisis postponed, new gas rescues world...

Washington state: Snow, extreme record cold...

Nebraska: Coldest early October...

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