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Tag: Wife

Defending Christianity … Against Pat Robertson

Trying to gently and constructively answer claims of patriarchy by the secular left against the religious right, claims of the suppression of minorities, war against women, etc, are not helped by absurd comments like this … in fact, it’s because of some of his outrageous comments that some of the apologetics I’ve engaged in at a personal level at work and elsewhere has even had to be engaged at all (defending true, authentic, unmuddled, Biblical Christianity against the likes of Pat Robertson). It’s my estimation that this man alone has conveyed so much confusion about what Christians believe to the unbelieving world that he actually represents a threat to the faith: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoHdO2rwGwE#

Hosea: A Story of the Worst Marriage in History

This past week, I’ve been reading through Hosea. The language God uses to speak of Israel is quite striking. “For a spirit of whoredom has led them astray, and they have left their God to play the whore” (Hosea 4:12). The Lord, over and over in this book, describes His relationship with Israel as that of being married to a whore. And not just a one time affair or adulterous short-term fling. It is serial adultery He speaks of, a pursuit after whoredom. That is strong language to describe Israel’s unfaithfulness.

In letting this passage of Scripture read our own hearts, if we are honest with God and ourselves, we are the unfaithful one’s as well. We are the serial adulterers. We are … the “whores.” Ouch. And this isn’t just an overstatement. It is the reality. We are unfaithful to our great Husband and it breaks His heart in a way I don’t think we can comprehend. We get hints of how much it breaks His heart in seeing or experiencing the break up of a marriage due to adultery. But this is just an analogy to our relationship to God that has an eternal weight to it. And yet in spite of this He still pursues us.

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