We would be so totally lost had Christ not become one of us, putting on our flesh, taking on our trials, sufferings, everything that we endure. We would be so absolutely ruined had Christ not stepped down from His heavenly throne, taking on our form, living a perfect life, without error, without blemish. Thank God that Christ became one of us, that He should become the atoning sacrifice for any who would believe on Him for salvation. Praise God that He Himself took on the Sin and its deserved penalty for any who would believe in Him, that we could even have a relationship with Him again at all. Lord, You are so magnificent and wonderful to have stepped down into this wretched world, that You would become one of us and die for our wretched, rotten, no-good souls that spurned You to Your face in unbelief and unrighteousness. You are wonderful and mighty. Nothing, no one compares with You. You are the great King ruling from above and what a mystery it is that You would even consider us at all, that You would even give Your own life for us when we wanted nothing to do with You. It’s because of Your death Lord Jesus and its application on my life that I am even able to believe in You. O Father, thank You so much for the incarnation of Your Son. What a wonderful gift, the best ever! You are amazing …