I’m putting this out on the web now even though some of the days have already passed on the reading (it’s really not that much to read actually). This is really great to go through and meditate on the fact that it was foretold that Christ would come to deliver from hell, wrath and indignation, all those who would believe in Him for salvation. The Old Testament verses are speaking of the things to come that would be fulfilled (or filled full of meaning) in Christ. The New Testament verses speak of that which has historically already occurred. Praise God for His infinitely generous work in Christ, that He accomplished what we could never accomplish: He lived a perfect life without sin on our behalf, as our representative before the Father. And not only this, but He willingly, of His own sovereign power and truly free will, gave up His life on the cross, where He absorbed the wrath of the Father in Himself. And having completed His work on the cross, He gave up His life. Three days later, by the power of God, being that death could not legally hold Jesus, He rose from the grave and 40 days later ascended into heaven where He now sits at the right hand of the Father, making intercession for those who call upon His name to be saved. Christmas is the great window where all of the unbelieving world has a chance to hear rich, theologically sound words that speak of this great and merciful God who sent His Son to die and rise from the grave on our behalf. Read through these Scriptures and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal Jesus Christ to you. There is no one who satisfies the soul like the Creator of the universe. All He has created is amazing, but how much great is the presence of the One through whom all these amazing things came to be? And we can have our relationship with this great God restored if we trust the merits and work of His Son for us.

1st Sunday of Advent: Isaiah 9:2-6
A Child Will Be Born to Us

Monday: The Creator of Man – Genesis 1:26-31
Tuesday: The Fall of Man – Genesis 3:1-24
Wednesday: Promise of Redemption – Genesis 3:15
Thursday: A Prophet Will Come – Deuteronomy 18:15-19
Friday: A Virgin With Child – Isaiah 7:10-14
Saturday: A Righteous Judge – Isaiah 11:1-5

2nd Sunday of Advent: Matthew 1:18-25
The Birth of Christ

Monday: A Savior and Deliverer – Isaiah 19:19-25
Tuesday: The Sovereign Lord Comes – Isaiah 40:9-11
Wednesday: Behold My Chosen One – Isaiah 42:1-4
Thursday: A Servant Brings Salvation – Isaiah 49:1-7
Friday: A Man of Sorrows – Isaiah 53:1-12
Saturday: God’s Spirit is Upon Him – Isaiah 61:1-3

3rd Sunday of Advent: Luke 2:8-20
The Shepherds and the Angels

Monday: A Righteous Branch – Jeremiah 23:5-6
Tuesday: A Ruler Over Israel – Micah 5:2
Wednesday: Your King is Coming – Zechariah 9:9-10
Thursday: The Messenger is Sent – Malachi 3:1
Friday: The Birth of John the Baptist is Foretold – Luke 1:1-25
Saturday: The Announcement to Mary – Luke 1:26-38

4th Sunday of Advent: Matthew 2:1-12
The Birth of Christ

Monday: Elizabeth and Mary – Luke 1:39-56
Tuesday: The Birth of Jesus – Luke 2:1-20
Wednesday: Presentation in the Temple – Luke 2:21-38
Thursday: The Pre-Eminent Christ – Colossians 1:15-23
Friday: Worthy is the Lamb – Revelation 5:1-14
Saturday: The New Heaven and New Earth – Revelation 21:1-7

Christmas Eve: Luke 1:67-69
Celebrating the Visit of Christ