I keep seeing an ad on the right column of Facebook talking about the need “for a new conversation about the future of the church” … and my question is when did the existing “conversation” end, and better yet, why does it have to keep going on and on as if there is no definition laid out for us in Scripture?

In our gatherings on Sunday we need 1) Biblical worship that incorporates Scripture and solid doctrine, 2) Gospel-centered, exegetical preaching of the Word and sacrament (Michael Horton), which 3) the Holy Spirit uses to supernaturally transform His people more and more into the likeness of Christ, who 4) then take the Gospel out to the world through word and deed in their daily lives.

Sometimes we make it a whole lot more complicated than Scripture does. But that’s how movements operate versus a historic faith rooted in the work of Another on our behalf, namely Jesus. In religious movements (versus a resting, leaning faith in the working and toiling of Another), there always has to be something new, something exciting, something fresh, entertaining, captivating, inspiring, because we seek to get our hands around something we can do or offer. That is the default mode of the human heart after all.

The reality is all God in Christ calls us to is to rest in Him corporately and allow Him to change us through what He’s said and done for us in His perfect life credited to ours, His perfect death assuaging our deserved wrath, and His perfect, powerful resurrection bringing all that He’s earned with Him for His glory and our benefit. How about that captivating our hearts as congregations on a weekly basis instead of the next new movement or event or shiny bling bling that comes rolling around to distract us? Just a thought.