Brian Davis, the pastor of Trinity Presbyterian Church, a PCA church plant in Fort Worth that is starting up in August (that our family will be attending :)), recommended a couple of books that look really interesting on spiritual formation: Desiring the Kingdom and Imagining the Kingdom by James K.A. Smith.

As I understand it, the premise of the former is that there’s a lot more going on beneath the surface in our desires as it pertains to spiritual formation, in which our desires are shaped and formed by all kinds of secular liturgies bombarding us, day in and day out, with visions of (misplaced) hope or fear depending on what is communicated, in ways we may not intend or even recognize. These secular liturgies negatively shape and even distort our desires, which then gives life to actions contrary to what we want in discipleship; namely sin. The latter deals with how these secular liturgies take over our imaginations and the antidote: a comprehensive liturgy immersed in historic Christianity in habit-forming prayer and scripture reading in our daily lives as well as worship in our church services, that work together to spiritually form us into different people, the endgame of our salvation: holiness and likeness to Christ.

Below are links to interviews with Smith on each of these books, released a few years ago:

Really good things to consider. Look forward to reading these.