Revealing statement: “There is no better motivator than unaffordability.” … I actually had someone tell me this on Twitter in regard to reducing our need to use cars. So the thinking goes amongst environmentalists and command/control economic theory (Obama administration style): intentionally drive up the cost and drive down the standard of living through policy to get a result of reducing use of all modern technology, in the name of saving the planet. And this is precisely what the UN wants too in Agenda 21: “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” – Maurice Strong, Founder of the UN Environment Programme @ Rio Earth Summit, 1992
Author: David Westerfield Page 29 of 118
Financial terrorism suspected in 2008 economic crash – Washington Times
Many have said the term ‘Financial Terrorism’ was extreme to describe what happened to the economy in 2008. No more. The Pentagon confirms the reality.
I agree with everything in this article about causes of the crash, and glad the government is finally officially admitting this to be the case, this was a very big step in the right direction. The only problem is we blame every foreign enemy possible, according to the report, and fail to look right under our noses at our own hedge funds, financial firms, banks, and other large players who have way too much power, exclusive access to what is becoming an unaccountable Fourth Branch of government (i.e. the Federal Reserve), and the ability to manipulate the market any which way they choose, winning on the way up and on the way down (via exotic financial products like derivatives, CDO’s, MBS’s, etc). And then appealing to the government for a bailout if another firm can’t pay up what is contractually theirs.
What is so awful about Planned Parenthood? Well the fact that they kill children in the womb. “But it’s just 3%,” some say. Well, it’s 3% too many. But behind these necessary questions is the equally important question: why and how did Planned Parenthood come into existence? What is the history of the organization? Maafa 21 has the answer. It’s unbelievable. The reason it came into existence is just as abhorrent and saddening as the statistics of children murdered in the womb, merely by this organization. This should be watched by every person in America. (WARNING: there are some very tough things to hear, “mature” subject matter and offensive quotes in this documentary from founders and supporters of Planned Parenthood and others who supported the Eugenics movement.)
This is a great interview with Don Richardson, author of ‘Peace Child’. If you haven’t read this book, you have to. Should be required reading for every believer in my opinion.
I heard a sermon (MP3 here) recently by one of my best-friend’s, Jon Dansby, given at his new church home, Austin Stone Community Church. It was timed for the new year when many are looking to make changes in their lives of various kinds and to different degrees. The scripture Jon preached on was Galatians 6:7-9. Ryan McCarthy, College Minister at Christ Chapel Bible Church, also reiterated many of the same points (with Jon’s permission of course) in a talk he gave to the college group last night. They both made some great, practical points (their points) I wanted to share.
First of all the text, Galatians 6:7-9 (ESV):
Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.
- 12 oz cranberries
- Fresh squeezed orange juice from … a large orange
- Orange Zest
- Lemon Zest
- 1 can crushed pineapple
- 3/4 cup sugar, maybe brown sugar if you desire
- 1 cup of pecans, crushed beforehand
- Splash of rum and whiskey (if you don’t have Grand Marnier or Brandy, which are preferable)
Pulse in food processor until chopped up into small pieces, but not too fine.
- Sprinkle of cinnamon to taste
- Springle of ground cloves to taste
Stir it all up together and put in the refrigerator overnight or for a few hours (overnight is better)
Aroused consciences, when they have to do with God, feel this [free justification in Christ alone] to be the only asylum in which they can breathe safely. For if the stars which shine most brightly by night lose their brightness on the appearance of the sun, what do we think will be the case with the highest purity of man when contrasted with the purity of God? For the scrutiny will be most strict, penetrating to the most hidden thoughts of the heart.
Update: notice I say “the church, as we know it” meaning it will look differently than it does now)
I have written many posts on the impact of the economy in relation to the fall and decay of Western society. Yet, the economic unraveling due to just plain old rampant fraud and excessive debt (though of course all a quantum size larger than man has ever known) is a symptom of something that is brewing in our culture at a much deeper level.
We are secularizing at a rapidly expanding rate. This secularizing has produced a moral crisis now in this country that is affecting everything, including the economy. Our character as a people is corroding, our morality is rusting and in fact poisonous.
As a result a culture who doesn’t stand on the pillars of the dictates of Scripture, even the most fundamental issues of morality that are necessary for societies to stand, eventually falls from within and descends into 1) chaos, and out of the chaos emerges some form of authoritarianism.
“I was convinced that there was still plenty of time.” With those words the author Aldous Huxley looked back to 1931, and the publication of his famous novel Brave New World. Huxley’s vision of an oppressive culture of total authoritarian control and social engineering was among the most shocking literary events of the twentieth century. But just 27 years after the publication of Brave New World, Huxley was already aware of his underestimation of the threat represented by modern technocratic society.
– Psalm 49:5-9
Something I’ve struggled with for a while now in unrighteous bitterness is looking at how things are going in this country and in fact the world, how the mega-rich along with elitist politicians, make out like literal bandits, bankrupting an entire nation, profiting on the way up and on the way down, not giving one iota of gratitude to the God who grants that they should have what they have; how our democratic society largely isn’t engaged in what is going on at a local or national level, other than sound bites they hear through various propaganda machines; how politicians work in tandem with big corporations to mess the average person over for their own personal gain, all the while exempting themselves; how the middle class is quickly being sidelined into either the elites or the poor, and on and on. I’ve become discouraged and at times feel some sense of hopelessness when looking at the situation.