A couple of articles from Carl Trueman and one article sent to me by a friend from Justin Taylor’s blog, quoting another article, all do a great job of helping us consider what we’re using social media for. Are we merely making exhibitions of ourselves, using these tools to become our own personal marketers to make us feel like we belong somehow or to draw attention to ourselves because … well, we just think we’re that great? Or in the context of Christianity, are we using it to make God look good or promote and make ourselves look good instead (that whole messy idolatry thing, exchanging the glory of God for anything else)? These articles are seriously making me take a step back and consider what I do with social media, because I surely know I’m not guiltless in how I use these things.
No Text Please, I’m British! (Archive) – Carl Trueman, Reformation21.org
Making Exhibitions of Ourselves (Archive)- Carl Trueman, Reformation21.org
Twitter: The Telegraph of Narcissus (Archive) – Justin Taylor, theologica.blogspot.com
David, the Bread of Presence and the King of Glory
By David Westerfield
On April 17, 2009
In Scripture, Theology
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