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NewsNote: Moral Clarity and the Fall of the Wall – Albert Mohler
This day 20 years ago, November 9, 1989, was the day the Berlin Wall fell and Communist forces conceded their oppressive reign. I was ten years old and although I didn’t understand the full implications at the time, I can still remember watching the event unfold on the television and my parents being thrilled. My dad then explained to me the significance of that moment. And studying the history of how it got to that point later on, it became much clearer how truly significant that day was.
In order to commemorate 20 years of what represented the fall of a tyrannous, authoritarian, Communistic regime imposed upon a large portion of Europe and all of Russia, I wanted to post a few images and a musical work that captures the cultural deprivation and devastation resulting from so many years of oppression and repression.
The Berlin Wall being built in 1961:
Zero incentive:
We must confront this issue and abolish this act. To think that this is approved and has legal backing, that every day babies (little people!) are being killed for the sake of money and convenience, completely grieves my heart. Watching this video brought me to tears. It is of greater importance than probably any other issue we face in our time. Why would we continue to expect that the Lord will bless our society while this is going on?
If you’re a believer in the Gospel of Christ and still undecided about the “issue” of abortion, listen to Abby Johnson’s story, former director of Planned Parenthood in Bryan, TX. Then looking through the lens of Scripture and God’s justice concerning the weakest among us (the poor, the sick, the weak, the homeless, orphans, widows, infants, babies in the womb), it is inconceivable that anyone considering themselves a believer could approve of this reprehensible act or just not even give a glance as to what has been approved in our society. As horrible as it is, we must acknowledge and face what is going on behind closed doors, in the secret places where no one thinks they are seen.
As horrible as this is, as I’ve said before, if you have had an abortion or have assisted in any, there is great mercy and cleansing of sin through faith in Christ alone. Repent, come, believe and be cleansed by His saving blood, shed on behalf of sinners, not the “righteous”. God saves the guilty through the life, death and resurrection of His Son who perfectly and completely intercedes on behalf of those who rest in Him for their salvation. (fyi, this is just a news station article about the director stepping down)
If people really saw the horror of what an abortion procedure entails, they might come to a similar conclusion. Watching a procudure on ultrasound apparently had enough of an effect on the now former director of Planned Parenthood in Bryan, TX recently to make an impact, a drastic one I might add. She quit her job.
I’m not one for publicly displaying posters of the procedure as some seem intent on doing. I think it is tacky, tasteless and offensive to do so in a public setting. Yet at the same time, it seems we have really neatly packaged it in our society in such a way as to avoid thinking about what it actually is altogether. “Out of sight, out of mind” seems to be the motto as it pertains to this horrific act, and yet it goes on.
- LEAKED NETWORK MEMO REVEALS: Obama Controls Your Television Set – Big Hollywood
- Part II: Obama Controls Your Televison Set – Search and Ye Shall Find.Left-Wing Advocacy
- Part III: Obama Controls Your Television Set – or Serf.dom?
- List of `Organically’ Created iParticipate Television Programs
If Aldous Huxley were still alive, I can’t help but think that he would say, “Told you so,” except with a longer, deeper explanation of how his vision of the future was coming to pass in ways he predicted and ways he couldn’t have foreseen … all in his quaint, British accent of course. The methods cited above, being employed by this administration to “educate” the public in this new postmodern version of collectivism, are striking, and in light of Huxley’s assessment kind of chilling and ominous concerning the precedent being set for the future.
We’re certainly not to the final end-point Huxley describes as the Final Revolution, but good grief. Some of the things being employed by this administration are some of the exact methods described by Huxley that are now being employed on a large scale, just as he warned. They are intertwining government messages to service (as they have described this themselves here and here) with television shows! It may be this is purely benign at the moment, though it is clear they want to funnel you to government sponsored websites. What if such a method continues 10, 20 years down the road? What will that look like by then?
Mom told she can’t watch friends’ kids – UPI
Found on Drudge Report:
This was not a drill … they used these LRAD sound weapons on the protesters at the G20 meeting in Pittsburgh … this is one such clip of its actual use:
- Fusion Centers: the “fusing” together of federal and local law enforcement, including military. This is essentially the federalization of all law enforcement, by fragments over time. We are one crisis away from some quasi-form of martial law.
- DHS to Create New Office to Support Intelligence Fusion Centers
(For the record, just because I’m posting this video doesn’t mean I’m necessarily endorsing the site at the end or the campaign. I don’t think it’s bad, just haven’t checked it out to see exactly what all they are promoting or encouraging.)
Some of you may have already seen this or something like it, but it really made me sad to see what the Madison Avenue-ites are doing to both men and womens’ perception of humanity via all forms of entertainment and marketing. Everyone knows this is going on, but the video makes the difference between knowing about something that is going on and experiencing it, feeling it in your heart.
This represents a behind the scenes snapshot of what we are bombarded with everyday on television, in magazines, on billboards, that really gives us all a skewed perception of the reality of our looks. The fact of the matter is, most people (including myself) just look average. And guess what? That’s okay! That is exactly how God intended it by His good design and pleasure, for His own glory.
A new study by The American Religious Identification Survey (PDF) is reporting an even greater decline of Christianity in the US and a marked increase of those with no religious preference at all. This is so saddening and should cause all believers every where in this country to stop and pray for their salvation and consider the cost of following Christ. A time seems to be fast approaching when there will be an uptick in persecution in various ways. If it’s not outright violence, then it will certainly be social exclusion, legal slaps, financial distress, or good old fashioned slandering.
The trend we are seeing, however, should not be that big of an alarm, as it has been going on for a while and has exploded over the past several years. Other studies have come up with virtually the same findings. It will likely continue to head in its current direction based on the methods and teachings of much of evangelicalism now (which are very quickly resembling the principles of 19th and 20th century liberals in trying to win modernists; now evangelicals are trying to win postmodernists with the same techniques).
Some people are just now catching wind of these rather daunting statistics and trying to find solutions. The author in the quote below, Bruce Feiler, seems to be one such person. What I wanted to hone in on was this FOXNews commentators’ solution to the problem in his article entitled Where Have All the Christians Gone?:
Today Show Reports Yet Another Gem – Spanking Makes Your Kid Dumb
By David Westerfield
On September 25, 2009
In Christian Culture, Commentary, Culture, Theology, worldview
Religiously convicted parents’ disciplining techniques make their kids dumber than more “enlightened,” secular parenting techniques, according to “new” analysis; that is, parenting techniques are better for your childs’ intelligence coming from a worldview and presupposition that denies the inherent wickedness of a persons’ heart, or rather, just denies the very existence of sin in general.
Okay this research didn’t say that out-right, but using deductive reasoning, one can easily fill in the blanks about where they are coming from in their broader worldview assumptions that always seems to “inform” the scientific method they employ.
Please give me another heaping dose of misinformation, NBC.
So should I go with this researchers’ “finely tuned,” humanistic, enlightened analysis of parenting? (Emphases and bracketed insertions mine)
Or should I go with the Word of God, despite the unpopularity or difficulty of doing so?
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