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Category: Environment Page 2 of 4

Latest on the Fallout from the CRU Email Leak

Links found on DrudgeReport.com:

Study: Slowdown in warming last year not permanent… (Scientists say, you know, the one’s with a clear agenda)
Rep. Issa: White House refusal to investigate ‘Climategate’ is ‘unconscionable’…
Day Fourteen and Counting: Major U.S. Networks Still Silent…
Danish Speaker of Parliament: Climate Change ‘Very Dangerous Claim’…
Denmark: not as green as you thought…


Cap and Trade + Data Centers = Bad News for IT

Data Center Regulation Awareness Increasing, Prepare for CO2K

This is an excerpt from a blog entry by a speaker at the 2009 Gartner Data Center Conference in Las Vegas, NV, named Michael Manos. He spoke about how Cap and Trade style legislation is already having a negative impact on the UK’s IT and data center industries. The proposals I’ve heard for regulating data centers, which the government has now declared centers of eco-terrorism due to their extreme carbon output, are startling and will inevitably result in reduced productivity, massive costs, and is all a massive waste of time, especially in light of UEA emails that have leaked about scientists manipulating core data at the center of these assumptions. People are starting to wake up to what this nonsense will entail I think:

My talk centered around the coming Carbon Cap and Trade Regulation and its specific impact on IT organizations and the data center industry.  I started my talk with a joke about how excited I was to be addressing a room of tomorrow’s eco-terrorists.  The joke went flat and the audience definitely had a fairly serious demeanor.   This was reinforced when I asked how many people in the audience thought that regulation was a real and coming concern for IT organizations.  Their response startled me.

I was surprised because nearly 85% of the audience had raised their hands.  If I contrast that to the response to the exact same question asked three months earlier at the Tier One Research Data Center Conference where only about 5% of the audience raised their hands, its clear that this is a message that is beginning to resonate, especially in the larger organizations.

Climategate: It’s Spinning Out of Control

Links found on DrudgeReport:

CLIMATEGATE: Scientist at center of e-mail controversy to step down…
Penn State Professor also under investigation…
Inhofe Asks Boxer to Probe Potential Scientific ‘Conspiracy’…
Australia’s Parliament defeats global warming bill…
‘It’s all unravelling now’…
North Texas Wakes to Big Snowflakes… (Yes, they are big snowflakes! So awesome and beautiful)

Another link found on BigGovernment.com:

Let’s Not Forget Big Media’s Role in ClimateGate – Jonah Goldberg

The Most Interesting Hacked Email from the UEA’s CRU

In sorting through the tons of data uncovered by “hackers” (or most likely an insider) from the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit, the collusion among scientists to thwart dissent is clearly established. The data manipulation of the global temperature of the past 100 years and the Medieval period in particular are the most important finds to me, because it shows the warming and cooling of the Earth’s temperature to be natural, not changed by man’s activities or lack thereof.

However, I was alerted to a rather fascinating email within the assortment of hacked emails apparently sent to a distribution list that doesn’t have a lot to do with the environment or global warming in particular, though it certainly includes that in what is discussed. The person(s) who received this email are not made known in the file. I just find it interesting anyone was receiving information from such an organization at all. I’ll just let you read it for yourself. Yes, you can find this information on the internet anywhere. The issue here is the fact that some scientists or researchers or somebody at CRU received this email. We don’t know who necessarily, but someone received it and signed up for regular updates and newsletters.

I have no commentary to add really other than this reads like a sci-fi plot … but no, these people are for real. You can’t make this stuff up … yes, A Global ‘Utopia’ is desired by at least one of the members of the CRU it appears. Do you think it’s a coincidence that the new EU President (a position just created) is calling for the ‘global management of our planet‘? I’m just asking because officials are now openly talking about this stuff. Maybe we should pay attention to what they’re doing and pay attention to what happens at Copenhagen and pay attention to what President Obama does at this meeting.

I realize this email is from six years ago. But the agenda hasn’t changed one iota. And again, the issue here is that any scientists or workers are signed up to receive emails from this kooky organization at all:

Worst Scientific Scandal of our Generation

Climate change: this is the worst scientific scandal of our generation

“The reason why even the Guardian’s George Monbiot has expressed total shock and dismay at the picture revealed by the [climate change] documents is that their authors are not just any old bunch of academics. Their importance cannot be overestimated, What we are looking at here is the small group of scientists who have for years been more influential in driving the worldwide alarm over global warming than any others, not least through the role they play at the heart of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).”

Glenn Beck on The CRU Hack

I’m not a big Glenn Beck fan, not so much because of the content (since I too am puzzled by many of the same things presented in his recent “questioning” series), but rather I’m not a fan because of the entertainment/drama meets news thing. Regardless, this was worth posting.

The Global Management of our Planet

Blog from the Herald Sun in Australia:

“Sure, this talk of the warmists at Copenhagen planning a new ‘world government’ is crazy. I just wish the warmists wouldn’t talk of it themselves. Take the new and first president of the European Union, Herman Van Rompuy:

The Climate Conference in Copenhagen is another step forward towards the ‘global management of our planet…'”

NBC Starting Prime Time Green Push This Week

Worth noting, if you’re an avid prime time NBC fan … I’m not, but some of you may be. Don’t get me wrong, I like a couple of shows (The Office to name one). But I do find quite a conflict of interest with all of this green talk, GE, NBC and the Obama administration ties to all of it:

UPDATE: Added more:

Copenhagen Climate Change Showdown

The stakes in the climate change/global warming debate are getting raised to levels many of us should really be concerned about now. As if the cap and trade/tax bill wasn’t enough to cause concern for the stability of our economy, there is now a treaty to be signed in Copenhagen at a UN meeting. Some are saying it would cede U.S. sovereignty and accountability to a global government who would essentially be in charge of redistributing wealth from the Western world to third world countries as a sort of penance for our assumed climate crimes.

Many are speaking out on this issue. On the one hand you have the skeptics, such as myself, whose voices are growing, even from within the scientific community (700 dissenting scientists from within the IPCC), who are very concerned about the real intentions of this treaty. On the other hand, you have those, such as Al Gore and the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, who are boldly saying we are all in agreement, all on the same page concerning the evidence as well as what needs to be done.

Climate Change Theory Once Again Shown For What it Is

Links found on DrudgeReport:

BBC: What happened to global warming?

Montana cold breaks records...

Records in Idaho threaten potato crops...

Austria: Earliest snowfall in history...

Man has microphone cut off after asking about 'errors' in Gore film...


Energy crisis postponed, new gas rescues world...

Washington state: Snow, extreme record cold...

Nebraska: Coldest early October...

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