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When I Say Obama and Edwards are Socialistic, This is What I Mean

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070529/ap_ … ama_health

Universal healthcare: it sounds like a great idea, healthcare for everyone right? Who doesn’t want that? While it sounds plausible, and may in the short-term fix many financial woes of those suffering from outrageous insurance rates and unbearable co-pays, the long-term problem is that healthcare quality will suffer dramatically. And to be honest, despite the high cost of healthcare, we have one of the best quality systems in the world. If we follow the example of those European nations who have moved to universal healthcare though, getting in for cancer treatment will take six weeks. Literally. I know this because a friend of mine had a mother in Sweden who was diagnosed with cancer but could not get in to see the doctor for six weeks because of bureaucratic red tape as a result of the universalization of healthcare. She died shortly thereafter.

Obama’s (and Edwards) solution to healthcare is to excessively tax the rich and give to the poor to pay for this. In most classic economics classes (except for those redefining the meaning of these terms like at Harvard, Yale, and GWU), taking from the rich and giving to the poor is called socialism. It is a move away from capitalism. And I guarantee healthcare will never be the same if this ever becomes policy. This is what I mean when I say Obama is socialistic. And when I say that I guess you could say what I mean is neo-socialism, not old time Soviet Socialism. Instead of this new kind of socialism being applied to solve our healthcare woes, we need policies that will address the current healthcare market and fix those problems instead of scrapping it altogether.

Are We Really This Complacent Now?

http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070524/ts_ … wards_dc_1

After only five years since 9/11, we now have politicians like John Edwards saying, “The war on terror is a slogan designed only for politics, not a strategy to make America safe. It’s a bumper sticker, not a plan.” This is in the words of Bush today, “Naive.” I agree. How could we be this near-sighted? Six terrorists were recently thwarted in their plot to hit Fort Dix a few weeks ago. They are here and waiting to attack, plotting attacks.


http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070522/ts_ … ms_poll_dc


http://www.westerfunk.net/archives/secu … erica%201/
http://www.westerfunk.net/archives/secu … erica%202/
http://www.westerfunk.net/archives/secu … erica%203/

Scientists Changing Their Minds on Man-made Global Warming

http://epw.senate.gov/public/index.cfm? … ;Issue_id=

Jerry Falwell Has Passed Away

AP news just reported that Jerry Falwell passed away at 73. And while I doctrinally and philosophically have disagreed with Falwell on his tactics in confronting an increasingly paganizing post-modern culture with the Gospel, I do believe he loved Christ, preached the Gospel, and that many were saved through his ministry by the Grace of God in the cross of Christ. As the body of Christ, we should mourn the loss of someone I consider to be a brother, who though he had many strong arguments with Calvinists and unbelievers to the point of being unloving and unmerciful (haven’t we all?), he was indeed a soldier of the Lord and is now with Him (based upon his profession of faith). I agreed with most of his assessments about culture and can stand with him on about 90% to 95% of theological issues concerning Christianity, but disagreed strongly with his application of grace to an unbelieving world, seeing him as coming off arrogant, self-righteous, and unkind (this is what unbelievers have told me frequently of Falwell and what I have observed). However, I glorify God that he confessed that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God, and that He is with Him.

It Is Official: Iran is Enriching Uranium on an Industrial Scale Now

http://www.westerfunk.net/archives/terr … ar%20Work/

Of particular interest is the Director General of the IAEA who was quoted in the article as saying: “We believe they pretty much have the knowledge about how to enrich. From now on, it is simply a question of perfecting that knowledge. People will not like to hear it, but that’s a fact.” The reason this is interesting is because he was one of the guys who clashed with the Bush administration about whether or not Iraq was resuming nuclear activity, according to the article. But about Iran he is saying, “People will not like to hear it, but that’s a fact.”

I Find All of This Quite Strange

Francis J. Beckwith, a prominent leader amongst evangelicals in America, a guy who also co-authored one of my favorite books, Relativism, has apparently converted to Roman Catholicism. I find it strange, namely because he was the president and a member of the Evangelical Theological Society but has since resigned both offices. I guess he would probably agree with the Evangelicals and Catholics Together statement, a document J.I. Packer and Chuck Colson also signed. I am not understanding this … even people of the Reformed tradition (which has been known for strongly upholding the Five Solas of the Reformation against the Catholic Church), seem to be floundering in their convictions and agreeing with documents like the E.C.T. statement. It seems to me relativism is taking its toll, even on a guy who co-authored a fantastic book refuting the philosophical system that is so prevalent in our society.

Beckwith’s Statement
ETS Statement
Beckwith Article on KWTX’s website
James White Article on the E.C.T. Statement

Using God as Your Political Pawn

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070509/ap_ … y_sharpton

It’s great to see that in the political discourse leading up to the presidential election, leaders from both political fronts are using God as their pawn to 1-up the other and gain political ground. I don’t understand why believers here call this a Christian nation. It is just as decadent, wickedly depraved, and sinful as any other country in the world (if not moreso), we’re just a lot more cleaned up about it on the outside in our “civilized” society. Sharpton has no interest in the things of Christ (only politics), and Romney’s a Mormon (believing Christ to be one of many gods). They both have lost the Gospel. Sharpton is using God as a means to defend his liberal, racist political agenda, and Romney is doing the same thing, just in a different manner. Praise God our ultimate hope is not in the conservative or liberal agendas, but is in Christ alone and his political Kingdom, the glory of God being enjoyed by His people forever.

Internet Radio is in Immediate Danger!

From the SomaFM website:

“The Copyright Royalty Board, a three judge panel responsible for the March 2nd ruling that set webcast royalties at their new increased rate, has denied all parties’ motion for rehearing of the ruling on procedural grounds.”

From Shoutcast.com:

“The Copyright Royalty Board in Washington, DC has more than tripled the royalty rates for webcasters and if left unchanged they will *KILL* Internet radio. These exorbitant rates go into effect on May 15, less than a month from now (retroactive to Jan 1, 2006!). Without Congressional action the majority of webcasters will go bankrupt and silent on this date.”

Please contact your congressman to reverse this injustice on the part of major record labels and RIAA by going here: http://www3.capwiz.com/saveinternetradio/home/

Where Was God During the Shootings Today?

FYI, I talk about some graphic things from my life in this post:

I know that many, especially those who question the validity of Christianity, are asking this very question today. Where was God during such an awful tragedy? Or at the very least, why didn’t He intervene if He is good and righteous? I want to start out by saying I completely sympathize with this question, because I asked that very question myself in the past. I went through a rough childhood where my mom had been hospitalized in mental institutions over and over. She had been sexually abused by her mother when she was a child and had severe mental disorders such as multiple personalities, bi-polar disorder, and dissociative disorder as a result of the abuse. Some of her personalities were suicidal and she would cut herself frequently. My brother and I had to hold her arm together on many occasions until the paramedics arrived. I can’t count the number of times she had to be hospitalized during birthday’s (mostly my brother’s), the Christmas’ she wasn’t apart of at home, and other times that made life very difficult. In addition, there’s the childhood trauma of going to psyche wards from a young age to visit our mom. So trust me, I know all about questioning the goodness and righteousness of God. I twisted off for a number of years in rebellion to God as a result of these things, taking drugs, hanging out with Satanists, and delving into all kinds of other wickedness. I asked myself where was God during the times I had to clean up my mother’s blood from the floor? Where was God when she almost died from a gran mal seizure in my High School years?

I can say with confidence as well as hope that God was right in the middle of my personal tragedies and these shootings. How do I find any comfort from that? After I turned to Christ by His work in my life, I saw the very truth that is proclaimed in Job that John Piper articulates so well: I did not find comfort from God in secondary causes such as, “Satan was the one who did this, not God,” or “God is fully love, therefore He had no part of this, so turn to Him,” but rather, I found comfort in seeing that God ultimately is the One who permits or disallows evil and that He allowed it in my life to bring me to Himself. Most Christians at this point scoff at such a statement. “You are ascribing evil to God!” No, I am not. Are there not aspects concerning God’s attributes we all agree on that we cannot necessarily understand how they work together? How about Jesus being fully man and fully God at the same time? How about the Trinity being three persons in one God? How about the predestining work of God unto salvation and man’s responsibility for his sin? There’s a host of these and we embrace them by faith.

So here is what I am saying: God is without sin and wickedness; and at the same time, in His sovereign will to bring about a plan that would bring about the greatest amount of glory for Himself, without sinning, He permits evil to occur. I am saying that He is sovereign and has enacted a plan we cannot understand. In the beginning of Job, Satan must ask the permission of God to perform wicked acts on Job and his household. God is the one who allows or disallows evil. Nothing happens apart from His sovereign will. Is God not omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient? Doesn’t this reality bring us to the conclusion that God is there in the midst of the tragedy and has allowed it for His purposes? In the end of the book of Job, Job doesn’t find comfort in secondary causes but finds comfort from the ultimate source and cause, God Himself. He says, “Therefore [that is as a result of what God showed him through the trials] I have uttered what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know,” and “I had heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you; therefore I despise myself, and repent in dust and ashes.” Job saw that God was at the heart of his trials to bring him to Himself. And in seeing this kind of love, he saw how unbelievably unworthy He was to be showered with such amazing grace.

God permits wicked acts and trials in our lives to bring us to Himself, just as the end of Job. Pain and tragedies are a call by God to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. These awful events that have happened today as well as those that occurred in my life, are as C.S. Lewis puts it, “God’s megaphone to rouse a deaf and dying world.” God gets our attention through pain. He sure did get mine, and then He used those very trials to bring me to Himself. Job’s story is my story, though obviously not nearly as bad. This is why I am a Calvinist. GOD SAVED ME. I did nothing but rebelled. As odd as it may seem, the Scriptures speak of tragedies and trials as the mercy of God. That is the conclusion of Job himself. He spoke of things he did not understand, just as I did. We both questioned God, put Him in the dock, and said, “How can you do this to me? I do not deserve this!” No actually, I deserved so much worse. And then by God’s grace alone, just like Job, I saw the beauty and majesty of God in the face of Christ in particular, and saw that He graciously brought those things in my life so that I could have the best treasure in all the universe, Christ Himself. And man how I despised myself in light of such grace, but only because I saw that I was truly accepted! I saw the depth of my sin and depravity and saw the light of the Gospel shining on me brighter than the sun. What wonderful grace! And I can honestly say I would not have had my life any other way even with all those awful things that occurred, because the beauty of Christ, His worth and value in my life personally, far outweigh having those trials taken away. The trials were bitter sweet; bitter because of my sinful flesh bucking against them, and sweet because of the sanctification I underwent to see and know Christ as a result of them. And now I can honestly say, “Praise God for His mercy in blessings and tragedy!”

Heed the call of God in this tragedy Today! Turn from your sin and whatever it is that is holding you back from God and embrace Jesus Christ that you may enjoy the greatest treasure in all the universe, God Himself. There is no one greater or that satisfied more.

Articles I used pertaining to this from John Piper:

http://www.desiringgod.org/ResourceLibr … _for_Good/
http://www.desiringgod.org/ResourceLibr … nt_Design/
http://www.desiringgod.org/ResourceLibr … epentance/

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