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Tag: AD

SharePoint 2013 – Adding Additional AD Domains for People Picker

In SharePoint 2010, if you had other domains that you needed to lookup users on in order to give them access to a site, it just worked without having to do any further configuration.

Not so with SharePoint 2013. You must add each domain and sub-domain to each web application to be able to perform user lookups from within the people picker.

So how do you do this? Well, with PowerShell, and fortunately Microsoft has provided a nice script that performs it for you. Otherwise, it would be quite a task.

It’s important to note that you must add the default domain your SharePoint environment is currently setup in. Otherwise, you won’t even be able to do lookups in it! (Found that out the hard way)

Instructions: Open Notepad or your favorite text editor, copy and paste the code below into the file, and save it as a .ps1 file. Open the SharePoint PowerShell command window as an Administrator, and an account with farm level access, change the directory (cd C:\YourDirectory, etc.) to the place you saved the code below (as a .ps1 file), type out .\YourPowerShellScript.ps1 and hit enter.

*I provide this as is, with no guarantees it will resolve your issues. And if you muck up your environment, it’s not my fault. 🙂 Obviously you should perform this on a dev or test environment first before attempting it in production. Good luck!*

The Death of Christ, and the Redemption of Men Thereby

synoddordtThis is an excerpt taken from the Canons of of the Synod of Dordt pertaining to the sure salvation Christ has purchased on behalf of His people. Far from being dry old dusty doctrines, these statements are full of life, hope and great to meditate over to give us a deeper sense of what has been accomplished by Christ in the work of Calvary. Whenever we sing the song When I Survey the Wondrous Cross by Isaac Watts at church, well, this is what it means to survey it. We consider and stand in awe at what Christ endured on our behalf and how great His love is to do such a thing for wretched sinners. If you have not taken the time to ever read through this excellent statement affirming the great wonders of God’s grace and denying those ideas that attempt to subvert the Gospel’s greatness, I highly suggest it.

ARTICLE 1. God is not only supremely merciful, but also supremely just. And His justice requires (as He has revealed Himself in His Word) that our sins committed against His infinite majesty should be punished, not only with temporal but with eternal punishments, both in body and soul; which we cannot escape, unless satisfaction be made to the justice of God.

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