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Tag: Communism

Telegraph: There’ll Be Nowhere to Run From the New World Government

There’ll be nowhere to run from the new world government – Telegraph

Now that’s a newspaper headline you don’t see every day. I’m not one to jump on the ‘conspiracy’ band-wagon, but this isn’t even conspiratorial: what we are entering into, and what just happened in Copenhagen, is just out in the open, being talked about by leaders and promoted by the media.

Now to be sure, as far as global warming is concerned, the accord they came up with accomplished little more than what Kyoto accomplished: good will toward reducing emissions. The carbon output of 60 developing nations for an entire year, and all they achieved was good-will? That is of course if you believe CO2 to be a toxic substance, you know, the same substance required for … life. I digress.

However, what was clear from Copenhagen is that a network of nations is emerging as having clear control over the affairs of the people they govern throughout the developed and even developing world (something the third world nations were irate about after the Danish text leak revealed something to this effect). There are some very good arguments particularly pertaining to democracy in this article. Here are some choice quotes (my insertions in brackets):

In Copenhagen, Environmentalism is the New Socialism

Behind the Wall: “On Reading My Stasi Files”

On reading my Stasi files – FindArticles.com

Since the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall on November 9th, I’ve had a fascination in reading up on the history of the events and circumstances leading up to the Wall’s demise. In searching through some information, I came across this article in which a student doing his doctoral dissertation went over to East Germany to gather information. It proved to be a frightening experience as he recalls the story of being incarcerated multiple times, for hours at a time, for no apparent reason. Very interesting. Here’s an excerpt:

From my files it appears that the Stasi used three tactics with me. First, my interrogation officer repeatedly told me that I would remain in Investigation Prison until I confessed, and that I would be unable to contact the American Embassy, my lawyer, or my family. Such isolation, of course, was stressful. One reads that many made false confessions simply to come to trial and thence to a regular prison so that they could begin to have contact with their families again. Those who did not confess often stayed in Investigation Prison for periods longer than a year and, when they finally came to trial, were given extra long sentences because they showed “no regret for their crimes.” Naturally, those who did confess were convicted, even if they repudiated their confession during their trial.

20th Anniversay of the Fall of the Berlin Wall

NewsNote: Moral Clarity and the Fall of the Wall – Albert Mohler

This day 20 years ago, November 9, 1989, was the day the Berlin Wall fell and Communist forces conceded their oppressive reign. I was ten years old and although I didn’t understand the full implications at the time, I can still remember watching the event unfold on the television and my parents being thrilled. My dad then explained to me the significance of that moment. And studying the history of how it got to that point later on, it became much clearer how truly significant that day was.

In order to commemorate 20 years of what represented the fall of a tyrannous, authoritarian, Communistic regime imposed upon a large portion of Europe and all of Russia, I wanted to post a few images and a musical work that captures the cultural deprivation and devastation resulting from so many years of oppression and repression.

The Berlin Wall being built in 1961:

Zero incentive:

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