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Tag: Conservative

Health Care, Fear and the Christian Life

Don’t Be Afraid – Russell Moore

It is a sad day … no, not about health care. It is sad to see so many, I would even venture to say a majority of fellow believers (many possibly assumed believers of the verbally violent conservative bent) controlled more by their affections and longings for a temporal, earthly kingdom that will pass away, yes, even America with all of its greatness, instead of the eternal kingdom ruled by Jesus with His might and power that will never pass away. It is sad to see fellow believers more mournful for the loss they feel of their “rights” or privileges that are gifts of grace to begin with, than upset about the tragedy of sin in their own hearts or the tragedy that a great majority of people around us will go to hell under God’s just punishment (think Jesus looking over Jerusalem and weeping). It is sad to see believers more willing to voice their outrage, anger and fear over legislation that will come and go (all the while ignoring His sovereign authority over that legislation to begin with) than voice their commitment to the Gospel and commitment to solid doctrine.

I am not without fault in these areas. I’ve learned the hard way in the not-so-distant past. This isn’t to say I didn’t struggle with these affections during this recent process even. This does not mean I don’t hold the same convictions I’ve always held. And it doesn’t mean I withhold commentary on points of conviction or withhold my involvement in the political process. If anything, we need more and improved discourse concerning all these issues and more to come. It is unfortunate public discourse has devolved into “tweet” snippets of useless rhetoric that does little to address actual issues.

Who Really Deserves Anything Except Judgment?

Do Smart, Hard-Working People Deserve to Make More Money? – The Baseline Scenario

This really got me to thinking. When the argument put forth in this article is set on the Biblical backdrop of God’s meticulous sovereignty over our lives as opposed to ‘chance’ or ‘luck’ (which does not exist) as asserted in the article; and when this argument is set on the backdrop of what man truly deserves for his rebellion against God (eternal conscious torment, not anything good, let alone wealth), I think James Kwak is certainly right in terms of people receiving a certain lot in life outside of their control, but it is owing purely to God’s good sovereign pleasure, not chance or luck. For who makes men to differ from others? Themselves or the grace of God or chance? “What have you that you did not receive?” (1 Cor. 4:7) “But by the grace of God I am what I am” (1 Cor. 15:10). All that we have has been given, as a gift.

Tiller Murder To Set Back Abortion Debate, Promote Fairness Doctrine Acceptance

It is one thing to loudly proclaim the utter grotesqueness and obvious immorality of a practice that has been accepted by law in this country and then call for its reversal; it is quite another to murder those supporters or doctors of such practices and defies the very nature of the life movement at its foundation. We should never execute judgment or vengeance on those with whom we are in disagreement, even in the face of gross, rampant immorality.

It is also one thing to be in strong disagreement with those of us in the life movement; it is quite another to say that our ‘rhetoric’ or ‘opinions’ are what brought about this murder and then call for the silencing of conservative free speech via the Fairness Doctrine. Just wait, it’s coming.

The Tiller murder has now set a terrible precedent for the abortion debate, amongst other issues. This has not advanced the life movement, but has instead set it back. Killing one doctor does not take care of the root of the problem in the abortion debate, but instead exacerbates the level of outrage against pro-lifers that many on the far-left already hold to.

A Certain Someone Got Schooled

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