Gospel. Culture. Technology. Music.

Tag: david westerfield

Asher Reid Westerfield

We have been blessed with yet a second healthy baby boy, Asher Reid Westerfield! He was born on Wednesday, January 27, 2010 at 10:13 am. He is 6 lbs, 8 oz. and 19″ long. We have received an unbelievable grace. My heart is overjoyed both with a wonderful wife who bore the burden of carrying the little guy, and the now two sons I’ve been blessed with. So exciting! I pray 1) for His grace to fall on them, that 2) they would be born again and brought to new life by the Spirit’s power, in order that 3) they may live lives for His glory and not their own, which will fade like a mist. He is their (and our) only hope of life now and for eternity. Only by His work and not our doing. Praise God for baby Asher!

Here are pictures! http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=144151&id=502472774&l=6a0f5cc720

Insightful Emails I Receive

“Subject: Ever Think About a Different Domain Name?

Message: You know that David Westerfield is also the name of a convicted child raping murderer on death row at San Quentin? It was a huge case 6 or 7 years ago. Just a little ‘Fun-fact’ for you to chew on. Keep on keepin’ on.”

With all due respect … nooooo, really? It’s not as if I haven’t done a Google search on my name before 🙂

My response:

“Trust me, I’m very well aware of it 🙂 thanks for letting me know though … and no, I’m not changing my site name, haha :)”

I get quite a bit of traffic just from people searching that name and stumbling across my site actually … it’s a traffic driver. Why would I change it? 🙂

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