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Tag: Drudge Report

Climategate: It’s Spinning Out of Control

Links found on DrudgeReport:

CLIMATEGATE: Scientist at center of e-mail controversy to step down…
Penn State Professor also under investigation…
Inhofe Asks Boxer to Probe Potential Scientific ‘Conspiracy’…
Australia’s Parliament defeats global warming bill…
‘It’s all unravelling now’…
North Texas Wakes to Big Snowflakes… (Yes, they are big snowflakes! So awesome and beautiful)

Another link found on BigGovernment.com:

Let’s Not Forget Big Media’s Role in ClimateGate – Jonah Goldberg

Latest on ClimateGate

Found on DrudgeReport:

UK: Pretending the climate email leak isn’t a crisis won’t make it go away…
US: Impression left by emails is that global warming game has been rigged from start…
AUSTRALIA: Five MPs lead the way by resigning in disgust over carbon tax…
NEW ZEALAND: Climate Science Coalition caught lying about temp trends…
RUSSIA: Что скрывают ученые о глобальном потеплении?…

Dark Helmet’s Evil Twin Sister

So, how is this fashion? Saw this on www.drudgereport.com today. Apparently, this is the latest “cutting edge” fashion on the runway in London. I’m scared and confused … Lonestarrrr! (Movie reference – Spaceballs)

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