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Tag: Messiah

Madonna eyes Israel house to await Messiah – AFP

http://www.breitbart.com/news/2006/03/0 … imhbg.html

Well, I hate to burst the bubble, Madonna, but the Messiah came 2000 years ago. His name was Jesus. The Jews expected the Messiah to be a mighty warrior that would come in and wipe out all of Israel’s adversaries. But instead, just as we were told in the Old Testament, He came in order to provide a sacrifice for the sins of any who would believe in Him. He came as a servant, the least of all people, despised, a man full of sorrows and grief (Read this: Isaiah 53). The Jews expected Him to come as a mighty King that would establish His rule over the world. And He will do that in the end, but that’s not what He came for the first time. He came to make purification for sins (Hebrews 1:3). And He did that on the cross, bearing the wrath of God on behalf of any who would believe in Him. The next time He comes back, He’s coming to do wreckshop on His adversaries and will establish His rule over this world.

Unforunately, the Jews, as a whole, missed their Messiah. It is very sad (Romans 9:1-8, Romans 10:1-4). The One who would have cleansed their sins is the One they stumbled over (Romans 9:30-33). As a whole, they have been hardened. Now this Kabbalah religion is doing the same thing, but with Jewish mysticism intertwined. And if the Jews, Israel, God’s chosen people missed it, you certainly have missed it. Jesus Christ was the very Messiah you are looking for! Don’t miss it. The most wicked thing to ever have occurred was the Son of God being killed at the hands of wicked sinners (like myself). He was whipped, tortured, beaten, spat upon, insulted, strung up on a cross, His hands and feet pierced with nails, a crown of thorns mashed into His skull. And all of this was not what hurt him the most. What hurt Him the most was the infinite wrath of God being poured out on His soul, the full cup of wrath, mixed in all of its potency. “The deepest stroke that pierced Him was the stroke that justice gave” (Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted). The Messiah has already come, made sacrifice for sins, died, rose from the grave, and has ascended into heaven. He will come back and wipe out all those who deny Him because He is the righteous and holy King. I beg all of you to consider this and look to Christ for your salvation, who perfectly fulfilled the law from our side on our behalf, and made purification for sins. Place your faith in Him and you will be saved and spared from the Lord’s wrath. If you don’t, you won’t.

“The Cross of Christ by C.H. Spurgeon” – ReformationTheology.com

Isaiah 53:4-6

“Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities;
upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.”

Isaiah 53:4-6 (In Context)

I just love going back to the Old Testament and seeing Christ spoken of so clearly. This is the very Gospel in the Old Testament, that our Messiah would suffer so greatly on our behalf. I find it interesting to see how the writer talks about how He carried (past-tense) our sorrows, how he was stricken, smitten, and afflicted. Christ’s sacrificial death spans and pierces through time. When He died, He died with supreme, sovereign intentionality, to purchase those those the Father had chosen in eternity past, before the foundation of the world, His children (John 17). Christ’s atonement was to bring glory to God and to purchase salvation for the children of God, Jew and Gentile. The Holy Spirit then applies this work of redemption to the children of God in time. One of the cool things though is that the work of Christ was clearly perceived by the prophets several hundred years before Christ was born, this piece of scripture being a clear picture of this. How cool is that? They saw the work of redemption that was coming, not necessarily knowing all the particulars, but nevertheless seeing the Work of works. Thank God for Jesus, that He would put on human flesh, live a perfect life unto God, die on the cross for our sins, and rise from the grave, that any who would believe in Him would be saved. It’s just simply amazing, the very thing that brings life, and meaning to life. If you’re depressed, look to the cross of Christ; if you think more highly of yourself than you ought, look to the cross of Christ; if you have huge decisions to make, look to the cross of Christ and base them upon and as a result of His work. Are you worried or anxious? Look to the cross of Christ. There is nothing better than personal communion with the God of all time, the Sovereign King, the LORD of lords. Go to Him and look to Calvary where He was “crushed for our iniquities” and that “with His stripes we are healed.” Sin has ruined everything, Christ and His work can fix anything.

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