Gospel. Culture. Technology. Music.

Month: January 2010

Asher Reid Westerfield

We have been blessed with yet a second healthy baby boy, Asher Reid Westerfield! He was born on Wednesday, January 27, 2010 at 10:13 am. He is 6 lbs, 8 oz. and 19″ long. We have received an unbelievable grace. My heart is overjoyed both with a wonderful wife who bore the burden of carrying the little guy, and the now two sons I’ve been blessed with. So exciting! I pray 1) for His grace to fall on them, that 2) they would be born again and brought to new life by the Spirit’s power, in order that 3) they may live lives for His glory and not their own, which will fade like a mist. He is their (and our) only hope of life now and for eternity. Only by His work and not our doing. Praise God for baby Asher!

Here are pictures! http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=144151&id=502472774&l=6a0f5cc720

The Outrageous Love of God – R.W. Glenn

God’s Outrageous Love – R.W. Glenn (MP3) – HT: Justin Taylor

I honestly haven’t been impacted by a sermon like this in a while. Justin Taylor has already blogged about this, but I think it’s worth repeating. God’s Outrageous Love is a sermon R.W. Glenn gave at John Piper’s church, Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, MN a couple of weeks ago. It’s a message on Jonah 4 and how outrageous it is that God loves any of us. Here is a quote: “Until you’re outraged by God’s love, you’ll never think it’s outrageous; until you’re offended by God’s love, you’ll never be overwhelmed by it.” This was really convicting and yet at the same time pointing to the greatness of the mercy of Christ. Highly recommended!

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