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Category: Commentary

Gosnell Versus “Clean Abortions”

The babies “born alive” that were murdered by Kermit Gosnell are the same babies alive in the womb, everyday, who silently scream and fight for their lives when viewed on ultrasound. Out of sight, out of mind. Don’t stick your head in the sand about what happens during an abortion. Know what you’re supporting.

Today Show Reports Yet Another Gem – Spanking Makes Your Kid Dumb

Religiously convicted parents’ disciplining techniques make their kids dumber than more “enlightened,” secular parenting techniques, according to “new” analysis; that is, parenting techniques are better for your childs’ intelligence coming from a worldview and presupposition that denies the inherent wickedness of a persons’ heart, or rather, just denies the very existence of sin in general.

Okay this research didn’t say that out-right, but using deductive reasoning, one can easily fill in the blanks about where they are coming from in their broader worldview assumptions that always seems to “inform” the scientific method they employ.

Please give me another heaping dose of misinformation, NBC.

So should I go with this researchers’ “finely tuned,” humanistic, enlightened analysis of parenting? (Emphases and bracketed insertions mine)

  • “‘All parents want smart children,’ said study researcher Murray Straus of the University of New Hampshire. ‘This research shows that avoiding spanking and correcting misbehavior in other ways can help that happen.'”
  • “‘You can’t say it proves it, but I think it rules out so many other alternatives [great postmodern acrobatics, pure certain uncertainty?]; I am convinced that spanking does cause a slowdown in a child’s development of mental abilities,’ Straus told LiveScience.”

Or should I go with the Word of God, despite the unpopularity or difficulty of doing so?

  • “Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him.” – Proverbs 13:24
  • “Discipline your son, for there is hope; do not set your heart on putting him to death.” – Proverbs 19:18
  • “Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline drives it far from him.” – Proverbs 22:15
  • “The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother.” – Proverbs 29:15
  • “Discipline your son, and he will give you rest; he will give delight to your heart.” – Proverbs 29:17

Come Attend Yet Another ‘Life-Changing’ Event!

Why is it that many times, whenever some special guest comes and speaks at a church, business or any other kind of special organizational event, it is pitched as a ‘life-changing’ event? Can’t it just be merely informative or helpful?

I believe the label ‘life-changing’ actually has the reverse intended effect and reduces groups of people to passivity (or mere short-term conformity) toward the objective the leaders have set for the event, mainly as a result of setting the expectation bar so high by labeling it ‘life-changing’.

If every event is life-changing, then (generally speaking) no event will be life-changing, which inevitably produces stagnation and complacency in the group. I mean if it really is a life-changing event, well then okay, maybe it is.

But how often do you generally walk away from a meeting of this kind with a complete paradigm shift in your perspective or understanding (apart from radical conversion by the work of Christ)? You may walk away informed or even affected, given new ideas on how to approach something, or change some area in your life. But is your life generally radically changed by some motivational speaker? 95-99% of the time, I would say probably not. Maybe in the short-run to be sure. But after this wears off, it’s business as usual.

Why can’t we just be honest and call an event what it is in reality, not what we want to project it or market it as (in this case ‘life-changing’)? If every event is described in these terms, people will catch on to the truth of what these kind of events are and begin coming with the expectation that it’s just another okay, mediocre or poor event as a result of having the bar set to an extreme. Just a thought …

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