America’s Ugly Exported “Gospel”
Audio in this video taken from The Supremacy of Christ in an Age of Terror – Piper (MP3)
This is a screen shot of an advertisement on some website I was browsing. just unveiled a new catch phrase for their site, “Instant Getification.” I came across these yesterday while browsing the internet and watching a show on TV and it really caught my attention. And another one I just thought of: the commercial where everyone is using their debit card in the fast-food line at the mall (or wherever) and someone gets in line using cash, and everything halts to observe the absurdity and display the lack of patience with such an act. “Don’t slow everything down, we’re in a hurry, got keep it moving, and using your debit card will make that happen for you,” is the message, playing upon the fear of other men becoming impatient with you because they can’t wait any longer. Just look at how much marketing there is by the media, websites, television, etc, that is getting us to drop the whole idea of patience and utilize some product because it will give you the least amount of headaches, or whatever. And wow how this thinking has affected our society. We have things at our disposal like a PEZ dispenser, within comfortable reach, more than any other time in history and if we don’t get it, we whine, cry, pop of at people, and grumble about it. The more humans obtain ease and comfort, the more we turn away from trust and reliance in Christ, and as a result, the more miserable we become because we assume we are owed it, because that is the non-sense we are drowned in daily. Our society (as well as any really) is just such a clear display that comfort does not solve the problem of sin, it makes it worse and makes people even more greedy because now they have a taste of abundance.
Although all of these small advertisements and statements out there in media and culture, on the surface at least, are just little sound-bites that really amount to nothing in themselves and can be brushed off individually, the problem is they all add up to a large bombardment of statements that make you and your gratification the center of the universe. They subtly change our thinking as believers. And like it or not, deny it or not, they affect us. Why has road rage increased? Impatience with the to-go line @ any number of restaurants just because they are five minutes later than they said? Anger at the support guy on the phone attempting to fix your downed internet connection? Because we all have a basic assumption that we deserve what we spend our money on (because, dang it, we work for it!), namely because we are in sensory overload with these statements getting us to abandon patience. Everything is, “I need this ASAP,” from bosses to ourselves dictating to everyone else how they should hurry up, keep moving, don’t slow down, “I needed this yesterday,” and it is making us a very miserable, godless society, because God is no longer God (we don’t need Him in a society like ours), we are our own sovereign authority.
It has affected the church as well. Joel Osteen, a very large mainstream preacher in the “Evangelical Church” (what that means anymore, I’m not sure) makes you and your gratification the center of the universe as well. As proclaimed by him, God is the means to an end, self-gratification, not the end Himself. Though each message varies with its approach and means, this is the same essential message preached by The Secret, Oprah, Dr. Phil, Satan even (in the Garden of Eden), and it is killing us as a culture. We are all running around like little gods fighting for each others’ crowns so that we can instantly gratify our sinful desires all the more. He’s very nice and friendly to his audience, but his message is one of self-importance, Your Best Life Now type of thinking, instead of Your best life for eternity before the face of Christ, enthralled in His glory, not yours. I mean his latest book is entitled, “A Better You.” Who, God? No, you. He denies he is a self-help brand of Christianity, but read the title again. Have we lost all ability to comprehend statements that we are so easily deceived by something like this on a large scale? It seems many are, because millions of people watch his show every Sunday and say he has changed their lives, with tears. And I won’t negate that making yourself the center of the universe feels good. for a time. It feels great in the here and now to sin by suppressing the glory of God and exalting your own glory above your Makers’ (who matters infinitely more than we do). But what about the long-term effects of such thinking? Ya know, eternity? It feels good for a time to sin, and then it creates a giant vacuum in your soul that is never filled up, like constant hunger pains, that if continue when you die, will go on forever.
What does the Scripture say about all of this? “In view of God’s mercy (and patience),” (Romans 12:1-2), “With all humility and gentleness, with patience, [bear] with one another in love.” (Ephesians 4:2) “Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.” (Colossians 3:12) “Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.” (2 Timothy 4:2) “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” (Galatians 5:22-23) “And count the patience of our Lord as salvation.” (2 Peter 3:15) I believe that last verse is where our focus needs to be. We are commanded to be patient, but we can’t be! We’re sinners in need of grace to be patient. Look at how unbelievably patient Christ has been toward us through His perfect life, death, and resurrection! It is God’s sheer grace and mercy that He does not destroy all of us at this instant for the way we treat Him, and how discontent we are with our lives. Christ was so infinitely patient that He went to the cross on our behalf so that we could have the best of all that exists, God Himself, not self-gratification apart from Him.
We find the greatest joy in selfless glorification to God through Christ. And it’s not merely that we imitate God’s patience toward us (of course we do that), but for me to say, “Be Patient,” is just another law that we cannot fulfill because of our fleshly sinful nature. It’s true that we need to be more patient, but we need more than just setting our will against impatience like the culture (and Osteen) tells us to do. We need something to galvanize us and change us from the inside out. We need the supernatural version of patience, from the Holy Spirit. We need the fruit of the Holy Spirit increasing in our lives by growing in the knowledge of the Gospel, because, as Michael Horton rightly notes, “We are swimming in a sea of narcissistic moralism,” and cannot possibly on our own counter the selfishness of our worldly culture. And this supernatural version of patience by the Spirit comes from the Gospel itself. This is where looking at the whole work of Christ working in our favor to the glory of God we see the infinite patience of God toward sinners and how because of His patience, we have been ransomed from certain eternal destruction and best of all, brought into the presence of God Himself to enjoy Him forever. Sit there and meditate on the mercy of God toward you, a sinner, in regard to impatience, discontentment, envy, covetousness, grumbling, things I struggle with as well in my life. With the patience of Christ in the Gospel at the forefront of our minds, how can we not be patient and changed forever, countering our cultures’ invasive bombardment that patience is overrated? Praise Jesus for the cross that frees us from the bondage and decay of this world!
“We are swimming in a sea of narcissistic moralism: an ‘easy-listening’ version of salvation by self-help.”
“According to America’s pop religion, we save ourselves with God’s help from feeling guilty and unhappy. Osteen has at least helped us to see just how stark the contrast is between the gospel of Christ and the motivational hype of popular American culture.” … y%20Story/ … 0to%20sin/ … n%20Yours/ … f%20glory/ … e%20Happy/
“It is neither that God wants us to be successful in our daily living or unsuccessful, but that he has a larger goal that is even sometimes served by temporal suffering. In all of these things, delightful and disappointing, God is working all circumstances together for a good that is beyond a mere absence of discomfort. In fact, God often has to go to extreme measures, taking away our props, in order to get us off of our own glory-trail (viz., thinking we’re “in control”) in order to give us the deeper happiness that he calls joy. When something greater than happiness as we usually define it is the goal, all sorts of things—good, bad, indifferent—can be accepted as part of God’s plan for our life. We do not know whether, in a given instance, God has planned for Bob to be healed of cancer or Sue to get that raise at work. But we do have God’s public, certified, and certain promise that all who die in Christ will be raised for a life that is far greater than even the most pleasant circumstances of our best life now.”
“Topical sermons, focusing on improving our lives by following biblical principles, easily eliminate the offence of the cross, using the Bible for whatever we want to say, rather than proclaiming it as those who have been sent. In Osteen’s TV sermons (at least the handful I’ve seen) and best-selling book, we learn more about the preacher than about God. We hear more personal anecdotes than biblical exposition. We learn how God gave him a bigger house, a good parking space, gave him the best table in a restaurant, and a seat in first class. For anyone interested in the sociology of pampered American Boomers, Osteen is a valuable source. However, for anyone interested in knowing God in Jesus Christ as he is revealed in Holy Scripture, for anyone wanting to know how God saves sinners, for anyone who senses that there are more pressing issues in life than having their best life now, Osteen will surely disappoint.”
Dr. Gray slams Gore Warnings: ‘We’ll look back and realize how foolish it was’:
(Original): … 38792.html
(Archive): … 0shoulder/
Well I’m going to add some more … so many things have become trite and flavorless in our culture now. Something as important as a Nobel Peace prize, something given to people, ya know, who helped people escape certain death from Nazi death camps and survived themselves, then to be rightly granted the award, has become trite as well. Something that is clearly a theory and strongly debated in the scientific world itself has become fact among those elites who grant this once prestigious award. And on top of that, it is given to someone of the clearest hypocritical nature as Gore (the jets, SUV’s, houses, clearly not an environmentalist himself). The saddest thing to me about this is that people assuming the highest academic and cultured status in the world have now succumbed to the triteness infecting Western society. Something that once had meaning and depth has been made commonplace.
This was the headline on “REDNECK RASH: Congressional staffers urged to get immunized for hepatitis A, hepatitis B, tetanus, diphtheria and influenza — before going to NASCAR races!”
Great quote by Tim Keller:
“At the heart of Redeemer’s ministry and its philosophy of preaching to post-modern audiences is the conviction that ‘the gospel’ is not just a way to be saved from the penalty of sin, but is the fundamental dynamic for living the whole Christian life–individually and corporately, privately and publicly. In other words, the gospel is not just for non-Christians, but also for Christians. This means the gospel is not just the A-B-C’s but the A to Z of the Christian life. It is not accurate to think ‘the gospel’ is what saves non-Christians, and then, what matures Christians is trying hard to live according to Biblical principles. It is more accurate to say that we are saved by believing the gospel, and then we are transformed in every part of our mind, heart, and life by believing the gospel more and more deeply as our life goes on.”
This was sent to me by someone investigating the legality of employers forcing employees to participate in “New Age” type training within an organization, whether it’s a private corporation or a government agency. Of particular interest is the fact that this was approved by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.
(Archived): … N-915.022/
Fabulous. Instead of closing the back door to make it more difficult for terrorists and others who intend harm toward this country to enter, we’re just going to open it wider (all the while spending billions to build a new fence?). Not to mention all the illegal immigrants that will have greater access to enter the country … Is this counter-intuitive to anyone else? On top of that, something of importance is the level of pollution that will now enter major cities, especially within Texas. This is one thing I am at total odds with President Bush on. I cannot understand for the life of me how building a fence and then allowing Mexican trucks to enter is helping to defend the “homeland” against militaristic and economic threats. … p;psp=news … cks30.html
Whereas during the Cold War, espionage took the form of infiltrating government facilities, recruiting agents from within the government to hand over information, now the threat is economic espionage, where private corporations are being infiltrated by agents from all over the world. And they don’t even have to be a double agent (spying for two governments as in the Cold War), but they simply need to get hired or work as a contractor within a private corporation.
So much of what makes this country (and other major super powers) run is economic and corporate. We are no longer in an arms race but a world-wide economic race. This priority has replaced the arms race of the Cold War now for this country. Economic stability and prosperity is the foundation of what makes this country tick. Therefore, for other countries like China and Russia in particular, to get a hold of the secrets corporations possess for how they do business, making them so effective on the world market, is invaluable information. And unfortunately, this kind of information, as opposed to the kind during the Cold War, is much easier to obtain than infiltrating top secret government facilities, and may turn out to be much more dangerous.
The FBI is increasingly confronting the problem, particularly with the rising problem of Chinese spies within corporations (as cited in the articles listed below), but there are more and more agents coming from all over the world, taking advantage of this new found espionage. We seem to be at an even greater risk of losing our world-wide economic foothold now than in the Cold War with this type of espionage. If we can have our foundational foothold uprooted, our influence may diminish and China’s may increase (since they seem to be the primary agents we are catching). Interesting …
Here are some articles on the subject I have archived: … h%20spies/ … e%20spies/ … s%20Forum/ … vel’/ … spy/spies/ … 19656.html
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