A meditation on Psalm 138:8, “The Lord shall make good His purpose for me.” (NRSV)
The Lord…
The omniscient, ever-present, almighty God from all eternity, never created, always there, the One through whom the universe came to be, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, the great Magnificence of all that ever was, is, or will be, the Great I AM, the omnipotent, all powerful, consuming fire of glory and power, yet whose mercy and love, compassion and gentleness are always and at the same time displayed in all His works, from generation to generation, unfolding throughout the Old Testament, fulfilled and brought to completion in the New through the Son, brought about by the love of the Father, accomplished in His life death and resurrection. This is the Lord.
Shall Make Good…
Because of His compassion, because of His steadfast love and faithfulness, demonstrated throughout all of time, demonstrated and given to us in His Word, because of His mercy and love toward us His people, and how he has shown again and again to be faithful, He will make good on His promises, they will never fail, or come to an end, because He has sworn by His very self, and sealed it in the blood of His own Son. He will make good and put to rights all things in heaven and on Earth.
His Purpose for Me.
Though my life should gradually be torn apart through sorrow, suffering and death, yet by His grace He is renewing my inward being to be conformed to the image of His Son, made in His likeness, joyful in the midst of sorrow, painful as it may be, as hard as sanctification is against my fleshly, prideful, self-sufficient sinful nature that remains; yet even in these, He is for me, and will indeed fulfill and make good His purpose for me, which is to share in His glory, both now and forever, as a son, a child of God, an heir to the throne of grace and glory, before Christ, our great Prophet, Priest and King, our greater and better elder brother who pitied our wandering estate and pulled us up by the same arm that wrought salvation for Himself, in which He went through death and came out the other side, raised and alive forever.
The Lord indeed shall make good His purpose for me, that both now and forever I am united to Him in all areas of His existence and perfect work of salvation, one with Him for all eternity.
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