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The Reason for God by Tim Keller – To Be Released on Feb 14

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/052595 … 0525950494

Table of Contents: http://theologica.blogspot.com/2007/08/ … eller.html

Finally, after months of anticipation, Tim Keller’s new book, The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism, will be released next Thursday, the 14th. I can’t wait … here is how Keller describes it on Redeemer.com:

I’ve been working for some time on a book for the ordinary (which means very sharp) spiritually skeptical New Yorker. Ever since I got to New York nearly two decades ago I’ve wished I had a volume to give people that not only answered objections to Christianity (what has been called ‘apologetics’) but also positively presented the basics of the gospel in an accessible yet substantial way. I had some books that did the one and some that did the other, but only one did both—Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. As you know, I think Lewis’ book is peerless, and foolish would be the author who tried to replace him!

However, the issues in the public discourse around Christianity have become much more complex than they were in the mid and late 20th century. The questions are now not just philosophical (e.g. Is there evidence for God’s existence?) They are also now cultural (Doesn’t strong faith make a multicultural society impossible?), political (Doesn’t orthodox religion undermine freedom?) and personal. Also fifty years ago, when C.S. Lewis was writing, there was general agreement that rational argument and empirical method were the best ways to discover truth. That consensus has vanished. Today there are deep disagreements over how we know things and how certain we can be about anything. Most of the older books presenting Christianity now are only persuasive and even comprehensible to a very narrow range of people.

All this means that there is a great need for new literature that speaks to our time and says, “Christianity makes sense.” I know I’m only one of many who are trying to do this over the next few years. My contribution is slated to be released February 14, 2008, by Dutton, an imprint of Penguin Books. Its title is The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism. You can find a little more information about it on Amazon.com.

Even though the book is not addressing believers, I still hope it will be a help to the members and friends of Redeemer. It may make it easier to represent your heartfelt beliefs to people you love. That’s my prayer.

Tornadoes rip through South, killing 47

Tornadoes rip through South, killing 47

How tragic. So would Pat Robertson say the same thing about these Southern states that he said about New Orleans and New York? That the judgment of God is falling on these places in the form of massive tragedies because of their blasphemies and idolatries, like that of Sodom and Gomorrah? I think not. Instead you hear nothing. Hmmm, maybe he can’t predict exactly how God desires to show His wrath or His mercy? Has he never read the book of Job?

Pat Robertson seems to not fundamentally understand the fact that as a sinner, in relation to God’s holiness, he is no worse off than the most shady character in a back alley. This is why, right here, a solid understanding of man’s total depravity is very essential to getting the Gospel right: he assumes he’s pleasing God, and that with those who do not, a Katrina will hit them, either on a personal level or larger community level. The message he presents to the world is not Gospel but religion. Praise God our salvation does not depend on the “man who wills or the man who runs, but on God who has mercy.” (Romans 9:16 NASB)

This is an interview with John Piper on NPR after the Indonesian Tsunami in late 2004 where the interviewer asks questions pertaining to why God would allow this, and is also definitely pertinent to the tragedy in these Southern states as well:

http://www.desiringgod.org/download.php … edited.mp3

Marti Gras in Relation to Lent

It’s funny how every single holiday where Christ is supposed to be at the center, Satan has something planned or some way to try and divert our eyes off of Him and His work on our behalf, and center us rather onto that which is worldly, self-focused or something that isn’t necessarily bad, but that isn’t Christ-centered in any manner. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Lent, all originally intended to give glory to Christ, have been distorted by Satan to take our eyes off the only One who matters, and move our focus to that which profits nothing for the soul, but rather, in all reality, hurts its progress toward godliness that comes only through the righteousness of Christ obtained for us on the cross. With Lent in particular, Satan seems to have devised a two-pronged attack: 1) move people away from Christ through the indulgence of the flesh, and 2) move people away from Christ through works-based religion.

So how did Lent get to the state it’s in now? People indulge themselves, almost to death, in preparation for giving things up during Lent, whether it’s food, alcohol, sex, etc. But to what end? What’s the point? Why even try if you’re just going to show such irreverence toward Christ in acts clearly condemned in Scripture? A friend of mine named Alan Barron said something that hits on the very reason: “Carnival (a word meaning ‘the raising of the flesh’) is an out-growth of a works based religion where grace is obtained through a list of prescribed actions and sins may be worked-off by confession or by penance.” That is exactly right.

Through the preaching of a salvation through works combined with a priest-administered re-sacrifice of Christ in the Eucharist by Romans Catholics, people assume 1) they obtain salvation through what they do (the natural thinking of all men, whereas the Gospel is the reverse of this), and 2) that they can just work off their sins previously committed (defying the very reason Christ came, died, and rose again to begin with). Marti Gras is the natural outflow of works-based religion. If you preach to people they can only be saved through what they do and that they can work off their sins, they’ll party as hard as they can, defying God to His face, because they believe they can just work off those sins later during Lent. How erroneous and tragic.

But if we preach a Gospel that says we are so bad off that we could never do anything right to please God, that even our righteous acts are like filthy rags before Him (Isaiah 64:6), that in ourselves and our abilities, we give no glory to Him as we should, and that our only hope is for Christ to literally come in, take out our heart of stone, replacing it with a heart of flesh that desires, loves and is responsive to Him, think of how much differently we would approach God in every way. Lent would then not be a time of either trying to earn God’s favor or trying to work off past sins, but rather, a time of simply reveling in and accepting the mercy granted to us in the cross where Christ paid ALL of our debt against God in full, and also gives us His FULL righteousness.

This alone is what changes hearts to believe in Him unto salvation, the work of Christ in His life, death and resurrection for sinners. This (the Gospel) is the principle dynamic for all radical heart-change, that we may not either 1) participate in the indulgences of Marti Gras (notice I didn’t say participate at all-with the hopes of maybe evangelizing the lost?), or 2) think we have to earn favor with God through Lent, but rather simply turn to the cross and see that Christ has satisfied the infinitely high demands of God on the cross for whoever would believe through faith alone, and then the natural outflow of this is doing all things (works, words, actions) to the glory of God.

Sounds Strangley Familiar to New Age “Group” Practices in the Corporate World


That’s all I’m going to say.

A Timely Quote for our Day

“We must have the full message. . . ‘deliver the whole counsel of God’. . . . It starts with the Law. The Law of God … the demands of a righteous God, the wrath of God. That is the way to bring men and women to conviction; not by modifying the Truth…. We must confront them with the fact that they are men and that they are fallible men, that they are dying men, that they are sinful men, and that they will all have to stand before God at the Bar of Eternal Judgment….And then we must present to them the full-orbed doctrine of the Grace of God in Salvation in Jesus Christ. We must show that no man is saved ‘by the deeds of the Law’, by his own goodness or righteousness, or church membership or anything else, but solely, utterly, entirely by the free gift of God in Jesus Christ His Son. . . . We must preach the full-orbed doctrine leaving nothing out-conviction of sin, the reality of Judgment and Hell, free grace, justification, sanctification, glorification. We must also show that there is a world view in the Bible … that here alone you can understand history-past history, present history, future history. Let us show this great world view, and God’s Eternal purpose…. Let us at the same time be very careful that we are giving it to the whole man … the gospel is not only for a man’s heart, that you start with his head and present Truth to it … Let us show that it is a great message given by God which we in turn pass on to the mind, to the heart, to the will. There is ever this danger of leaving out some part or other of man’s personality… Let us be certain that we address the whole man-his mind, his emotions and his will.”

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones The Weapons of our Warfare, 1964, pg. 21-22

Anonymous Consortium of Hackers Declares Cyber-War on Scientology

Allegedly these are hackers, that is, not sure how this has been verified …

Update @ 2:07 pm

Well apparently, they are already working on it … http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,325586,00.html

Abolition of Abortions in America

http://www.desiringgod.org/ResourceLibr … hird_Wave/

The pro-choice, liberal camp would position itself as helpers of the poor and afflicted, yet %90 of abortion clinics are in low-income, minority-based urban areas and “Black and Hispanic women suffer 56% of all abortions while representing only 25% of the female population,” according to this article. Abortion clinics are specifically targeting urban neighborhoods basically. And it would in no way surprise me if the overarching design is to reduce overpopulation in these areas. The people who support and run these abortion clinics are ruining the lives of minorities in particular; emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Is this not a subtle (or rather blatant) form of racism?

This is a really good article on praying for the third wave of anti-abortion activists, really the only hope for abolishing abortions altogether: Black and Hispanic believers who desire to see the end of abortion, by working from the inside out of their own communities. The first wave of anti-abortion activists were predominantly Catholic, the second Evangelical, and now the hope is that the third wave will rise from within urban communities themselves. If the left really loved the poor, why would they be in favor of murdering their children? In fact, it sounds fairly racist. Makes no sense to me … and Obama voted for legislation in favor of what are called “live birth abortions,” where a child is born mongloid, for instance, and is in need of immediate care or it will die within 45 minutes of being born. So the mom decides she doesn’t want it because of its disorder, and then the nurses take the baby, put it in a room by itself, and they just let the baby die. What an abominable, sick practice. And people want this guy making giant, life-altering decisions for the country when supporting such a wicked form of blatant infanticide? His moral compass is jacked beyond all recognition to be able to support something like this. Makes me weep just thinking about that awful practice.

People are calling for change with Obama, but what kind of change, for better or worse, morally speaking? Where does it stop? We are on a slippery slope. Should I have the “right” to personally abort the life of someone else who may have inconvenienced my life in an unexpected way? “But they took away my rights!” It is the same argument. But with abortion, instead of a grown adult, it is a live, human baby! What about the baby’s rights? And how much more pernicious is this act than someone murdering another person? Just consider it …

This is Why I Cannot Support Obama

(Original): http://www.townhall.com/MediaPlayer/Aud … 3a32f1bb81
(Archived): http://www.westerfunk.net/archives/poli … k%20Obama/

Listen to the audio above, just five minutes long … And I have to ask myself, what kind of internal, fundamental morality and worldview is this man and those who support him coming from? It is anti-Christ, purely secular, atheistic in nature. And he approves of one of the most deviant, evil forms of abortion there is – Live Birth Abortions. How I pray believers would feel the weight of this issue in relation to the proclamation of Christ and the Gospel. It is not just one issue among the cornucopia of issues out there to mull through during this election. It is the primary issue, more than the economy, more than healthcare, and immigration. Why? Because to give approval to such an awful act is to risk the hardening hand of God coming to this culture to the point where the Gospel no longer has the power to save because the depravity is in too deep, much in the same way God has hardened Israel for a time for rejecting their Messiah (Romans 9-11). It’s not that God can’t save (because we know the Lord is without limits to His power), but that He would choose not to save and allow us to remain in our sin and be lost for eternity. Frightening. That’s the short answer though. I cannot with a good conscience support anyone who is pro-choice, yet Obama is even more radical than most. Abortion is just an unbelievably horrific, morally detestable, wicked, barbaric act that eclipses the goodness, holiness, and glory of Christ ultimately.

The Darkness of Abortion and the Light of Truth – John Piper (MP3)
Exposing the Dark Work of Abortion – John Piper (MP3)

Uncovering Satan’s Devious Strategy to Eclipse Christ and the Gospel

Man, what an incredible article by Michael Horton.

http://www.modernreformation.org/defaul … amp;var2=1

“The Greeks love wisdom, so show them a Jesus who is smarter at solving the conundrums of daily living and the church will throng with supporters. Jews love signs and wonders, so tell people that Jesus can help them have their best life now, or bring in the kingdom of glory, or drive out the Romans and prove their integrity before the pagans, and Jesus will be laureled with praise. But proclaim Christ as the Suffering Servant who laid down his life and took it back up again, and everybody wonders who changed the subject.”

“The church exists in order to change the subject from us and our deeds to God and his deeds of salvation, from our various “missions” to save the world to Christ’s mission that has already accomplished redemption. If the message that the church proclaims makes sense without conversion; if it does not offend even lifelong believers from time to time, so that they too need to die more to themselves and live more to Christ, then it is not the gospel.”

“Today, we have abundant examples of both tendencies: denial and distraction. On one hand, there are those who explicitly reject the New Testament teaching concerning Christ’s person and work. Jesus was another moral guide-maybe the best ever-but not the divine-human redeemer. However, evangelicals are known for their stand against Protestant liberalism. On the other hand, many who affirm all the right views of Christ and salvation in theory seem to think that what makes Christianity truly relevant, interesting, and revolutionary is something else. Distractions abound. This does not mean that Jesus is not important. His name appears in countless books and sermons, on T-shirts, coffee mugs, and billboards. Yet it has become something like a cliche or trademark instead of “the name that is above every name” by which alone we are saved.”

Climate Change Caused by CO2? Think Again …

There are so many other factors involved in the fluctuations of the climate than is reported by the “Going Green” CO2 profit-marketing movement … why don’t we listen to actual climatologists for once instead of Gore who knows nothing of the astrophysics affecting the climate? http://en.rian.ru/analysis/20080103/94768732.html

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