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Our Computing Environment is Already Compromised

“The former cybersecurity director at DHS had some sobering words last week about the battle for cybersecurity. ‘We lost,’ the former director, now chief executive officer of NetWitness Corp., said at the Symantec Government Symposium in Washington. ‘We lost the cyber war over the last 15 years. Our computing environment is already compromised,’ and things are likely to get worse going forward because we do not really understand security. ‘We lack any meaningful metrics or measures to say how secure a system is.’ It no longer is true that the best minds are on the side of the hackers. The dark side of cyberspace has been co-opted by organized crime, entrepreneurs of questionable integrity and, possibly, terrorists. Much of the process of illegal hacking has been mechanized to the point that it involves automation, not innovation. Part of the problem was identified by the U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team director. ‘We lack a common language for discussing many of the elements of security. We need to reinvent not only how we do incident response, but how we talk about events,’ the director said at the symposium.”

I Want to Believe … So Bad! (X-Files Theme Music Fades In)

(Original): ALIEN microbes living just below the Martian soil are responsible for a haze of methane around the Red Planet, Nasa scientists believe.

(Archived): http://www.westerfunk.net/archives/science/Life%20on%20Mars/

So now, I suppose the implicit argument from NASA goes,”Let’s spend next to a trillion $’s of tax-payer money that we don’t have (maybe more) trying to find out if there MIGHT be any alien microbes on the red planet.”

Sounds reasonable. I mean after all, the only evidence they have of this is the gaseous by-product (something they have known was already there for quite some time now) of a supposed alien microbe, not any actual solid proof of its existence.

NASA has to try and keep us all intrigued somehow; so why not through marketing propaganda of a supposed alien microbe find? Then we can keep funding their multi-billion dollar adventures so we can get higher quality HD pictures back of red dust and rock. Hmmm, fascinating. Maybe next time the pictures will be in HHD and we’ll have a live streaming webcam showing us the latest rock movements on the ole’ Red Planet 🙂 I’m all for some great science and pushing into new frontiers of knowledge, but spending that much money on a little kids Star Trek dream, especially during this economy, does not seem very reasonable, or wise for that matter … that is if that’s what they are trying to implicitly say of course.

Starbucks Drops T-Mobile, Goes With AT&T For Wi-Fi

http://www.dbtechno.com/internet/2008/0 … for-wi-fi/

This is a great deal, seeing as how the T-Mobile Wi-Fi was way over-priced to begin with. Those of you using AT&T DSL already will now have free access at all of the Starbucks locations offering Wi-Fi. Excellent …

Tornadoes rip through South, killing 47

Tornadoes rip through South, killing 47

How tragic. So would Pat Robertson say the same thing about these Southern states that he said about New Orleans and New York? That the judgment of God is falling on these places in the form of massive tragedies because of their blasphemies and idolatries, like that of Sodom and Gomorrah? I think not. Instead you hear nothing. Hmmm, maybe he can’t predict exactly how God desires to show His wrath or His mercy? Has he never read the book of Job?

Pat Robertson seems to not fundamentally understand the fact that as a sinner, in relation to God’s holiness, he is no worse off than the most shady character in a back alley. This is why, right here, a solid understanding of man’s total depravity is very essential to getting the Gospel right: he assumes he’s pleasing God, and that with those who do not, a Katrina will hit them, either on a personal level or larger community level. The message he presents to the world is not Gospel but religion. Praise God our salvation does not depend on the “man who wills or the man who runs, but on God who has mercy.” (Romans 9:16 NASB)

This is an interview with John Piper on NPR after the Indonesian Tsunami in late 2004 where the interviewer asks questions pertaining to why God would allow this, and is also definitely pertinent to the tragedy in these Southern states as well:

http://www.desiringgod.org/download.php … edited.mp3

Free Unlimited Music Downloads?


That’s what they’re claiming, yet the record companies apparently have not endorsed it … http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/arti … article.do

Climate Change Caused by CO2? Think Again …

There are so many other factors involved in the fluctuations of the climate than is reported by the “Going Green” CO2 profit-marketing movement … why don’t we listen to actual climatologists for once instead of Gore who knows nothing of the astrophysics affecting the climate? http://en.rian.ru/analysis/20080103/94768732.html

In No Sense is Mormonism Christian

“I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and the savior of mankind.” – Mitt Romney (Today in College Station)

While I stand politically next to Romney on pretty much every issue (as well as Glenn Beck who is also a Mormon) and would vote for him as President of the nation, more importantly than mere politics, I depart from him when it comes to Christianity. In no sense is Mormonism “Christian” really by any true, historical, theological definition, other than the fact that they borrow phrases, terminology and figures from Biblical history as mere “examples”. In addition, they totally redefined who these figures were and what they said. In the same way Unitarian/Universalists really aren’t Christians in their beliefs (denial of the Trinity and the just punishment of God against sinners in Revelation), so also Mormonism stands at odds with the historical, Biblical faith. This is where, once again, doctrine is vastly important to believers! That cannot be overstated. Look at what Romney said above. How many based on that definition would say he was a Christian who has been born of the Spirit of God? I would say the majority of modern evangelicals would probably say he’s a believer indeed. (And I can hear it now, “Who are we to judge?”) And yet, there is a lot implied in this statement of his, as well as a whole lot that is not said. And this is the case for when you have a Mormon come into your home, evangelizing you to enter their church. They are slippery and evasive. They will affirm historic Christian doctrines and then in the same breath deny them by qualifying all they say.

So how is this religion not Christian in any sense?

1) Well for starters, amongst the many absurd theological inventions introduced by Joseph Smith in the 1800’s (i.e. 1700 years after the last book was written within the Christian canon of Scripture), not only did they add a book to the canon of Scripture (the Book of Mormon), but they also re-translated the Bible itself (and interpreted into the translation-it is an “eisegetical translation”). For instance, in John 1:1 we read (in most common, accurate translations from the Greek and Hebrew that is), “In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God.” However, Mormonism’s Bible translation reads, “In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was a God.”

2) Notice that right at the end there? “A God”. Amongst how many? As many as work really hard according to Mormonism’s principles, and thus earn the right to become gods themselves and inherit their own planet of sorts. So yes, Mormons are polytheists. So Jesus was the son of God (just like we can be if we work for our salvation under the Mormonistic principles of faith, but Jesus was not the One, the Only, Son of God who made an effectual payment for sinners on the cross. He was merely an example of how we should work for our salvation, just as he did, and that according to Mormonism. He was someone like us, in the sense that we too are sons of God and should follow his example. So from the outset, Mormonism is at odds with Christianity in the monotheistic versus polytheistic sense. They believe in multiple gods, true Christians believe in one God (“The Lord our God, He is one”?). Mormonism has the rather large underlying presupposition that there are multiple gods. So you have to read Romney’s statement through that filter to get what he is saying.

3) In addition to the polytheistic nature of their religion, Jesus was not eternally begotten of the Father, but begotten of the Father in the flesh, meaning the Father, Elohim, physically had sex with Mary and thus conceived Jesus. There are many modern day LDS’ who deny this is their doctrine, but as James White clearly documents in the articles below, this is indeed the case. So their religion is in error Christologically, or in their understanding of who Jesus is from the Scriptures. They deviate, just as the Arians and Gnostics did, on the point of Christ (denying His preexistence as God, denying His being The God from all eternity (not just a god), denying His oneness with the Father), and thus are preaching an absolutely different gospel because their Jesus differs from that of the Scriptures.

4) Something else that I just learned of today, actually on CNN, is that they believe Jesus ministered in the America’s, something that in no sense can be historically shown to be accurate, both from the original text of Scripture itself as well as extra-scriptural texts.

I mean the absurdities don’t stop. I won’t go through all of them, but just wanted to give you a flavor of what they believe, because it is uniquely non-Christian, and with the exception of phrases and terminology, we as believers in Christ as the only way to God share nothing in common with Mormons. We do not worship the same God together with them. They worship a god created in their own image (or rather that of Joseph Smith).

Here are a series of theological articles on Mormonism entitled Mormonism’s Embarassing Theology by Dr. James White over at www.aomin.org if you want to go deeper:

The Only Begotten of the Father in the Flesh: Mormonism’s Embarrassing Theology #1
The Only Begotten of the Father in the Flesh: Mormonism’s Embarrassing Theology #2
The Only Begotten of the Father in the Flesh: Mormonism’s Embarrassing Theology #3
The Only Begotten of the Father in the Flesh: Mormonism’s Embarrassing Theology #4
The Only Begotten of the Father in the Flesh: Mormonism’s Embarrassing Theology #5
The Only Begotten of the Father in the Flesh: Mormonism’s Embarrassing Theology #6

As the Family Unit Degenerates Further, More Chaos Ensues

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071117/ap_ … hild_abuse

This is just proof of the reality that as traditional (may I say Biblical) family units in the West further degenerate into broken homes with no father and mother working together as a team to raise kids, this kind of stuff is the end result. It is very sad, and practical proof of the need for solid Gospel preaching here to revive families, reversing the curse by His work on the cross. The broken people in the world do not need more entertainment in the church (which they can find on TV anyway), but solid, Biblical, expository preaching of the Gospel, for unbelievers to be saved, but also for all progress in sanctification once in the faith. There is a reason God designed the family the way he did. It cannot function without its core elements in place; it is systematic; all elements utilize, work off of, and are dependent upon each other. And therefore, if mankind wants to go and start messing with that design, it is no wonder brokenness is what results. This is good evidence of that fact.

“‘This is the dark underbelly of cohabitation,’ said Brad Wilcox, a sociology professor at the University of Virginia. ‘Cohabitation has become quite common, and most people think, “What’s the harm?” The harm is we’re increasing a pattern of relationships that’s not good for children.'”

Decision Time Over Iran


Global Environmental Issues

http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/10/25/ … nviron.php

I believe at this point, people are so divided on “Global Warming” and now the new phrase that has been coined in its place, “Climate Change,” we need to all at the very least look at the problems and address them quickly. When you put global issues in terms of over-population, the destroying of vital terrestrial ecosystems like the rain forests, pollution of all forms (whether or not it’s causing global warming or not) are issues that all nations very quickly need to address with great urgency, because the world population is fixing to explode by 50% in the next 45-50 years. Here’s the problem though. In my estimation, every consumer “going green” only solves a marginal amount of the problem. Maybe more than marginal. But we need something more drastic.

Just down the street from me, bulldozers, dump-trucks, and other industrial machinery are pumping out tons of toxins into the atmosphere and are totally flattening fields in preparation for building more homes as well as setting up a new gas well. I’m not saying it shouldn’t be done, just making the point that massive pollution is taking place and landscape is being destroyed. If we want things to start turning fast in favor of the environment, we need to go to the root of the problem, do we not? This involves, of course, newer power plants, factories, mines, maybe more efficient (or altogether newer technology – hydrogen fuel) for industrial machinery. But how do we do it? I have no answers for how you get corporations so reliant upon current technology for profits (which fund your mutual funds for your financial future, might I remind you) to move over to newer technology in a fast, seamless manner.

Over-population is another issue. I did not realize how bad this problem was until I read a statistic from a UN report today. By the year 2050, in 43 years, (when/if I’m 71) the world population will have increased about 50% to between 8 and 10 billion people from the current 6.6 billion. Here’s the report: http://www.unep.org/geo/geo4/media/index.asp Unbelievable. 20 years ago, the UN realized the world was at an unsustainable pace for consumption of resources. But their predictions of the world’s consumption rate were wrong. We have been consuming resources at a rate they never anticipated. What will the world look like in 43 years? So much has changed just in the past 43 years. World PopClock: http://www.census.gov/ipc/www/popclockworld.html

All I can say to all of this is praise God He will make the world new. I have no idea where the world is headed. Eventually, it’s headed to renewal, but not until things get worse, per Revelation. Our hope is not like the rest of the world though, in trying to make perfect something that has been cursed by God at the fall of man into sin. Our hope is in Christ, the resurrection of our perfected bodies and a totally regenerated world, not in anything present. However, at the same time, there are things we can do to turn the tide of problems we’re bringing upon ourselves (i.e. more efficient ways of living, whatever that means). But it needs to happen at the producer level primarily, and then at the consumer level, when at the present time, it seems to be reversed. The whole going green thing is just a nice marketing slogan for corporations to bring in more dough (which I guess is good for mutual funds, but still, actually do something the helps the environment, instead of just trying to bring in customers).

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