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The Doublespeak of the Politically Correct

Here’s a headline from www.drudgereport.com concerning what Sharpton has apparently said about Imus’ racist comments : “SHARPTON VOWS MORE: ‘It is our feeling that this is only the beginning. We must have a broad discussion on what is permitted and not permitted in terms of the airwaves’… Developing…”

The same people who pound into everyone else freedom of speech when their view is at stake and who vow legal action when they feel they are being silenced, are the same people who seek to silence those who differ with their opinions. This no exception. One minute, Sharpton speaks about his and everyone else’s right to say whatever they want, no matter what, and then in the next says we need to have a “discussion on what is permitted and not permitted in terms of the airwaves”. This is the philosophical dilemma of the moral relativist. Relativism does not work, it cannot logically be sustained, it must contradict itself. And so it does as in this example. As long as you agree with his relativism, he has no problem with you; but as soon as you turn on him and state otherwise in any manner, you must be silenced. And he enforces this with a political vengeance.

For the relativist viewpoint to truthfully stand on this issue of freedom of speech, then Imus must be allowed to say whatever he wants on his own show without fear of being silenced. That does not make it morally right, but he has an opinion, he expressed it, and now he is being silenced by those offended parties involved. Sharpton and his whole entourage are bursting forth with philosophical worldview contradictions. What will happen in our society if the majority agrees that Christians should never witness or “impose” their worldview on others, excluding those they disagree with, and it becomes law? Where does it stop? It doesn’t.

Every viewpoint logically excludes its opposing view. Everyone has a viewpoint whether they admit it or not. Everyone believes in something and believes it is absolute, even the secularist who claims a belief in nothing: that is a belief. If you exist you have some form of a belief about morality. It is inevitable. The moral relativist states that it is morally wrong to say another viewpoint is wrong. So what is this worldviews’ opposing view? Those who state absolute moral truths exist and that other viewpoints are wrong. So in their worldview, anyone who says another viewpoint is wrong is excluded from any conversation with them. They are doing the very thing they believe is morally wrong! Those they disagree with are silenced. What’s an example? Well, the Today Show. This past week, during the whole Imus debacle, they only had far-left liberal democrats appear as guests who adhere to this relativism wholeheartedly. And as a result, every question asked of the guests by the hosts were designed to intensify and solidify the relativist viewpoint on this issue. They excluded those they disagree with by not inviting them on, thus contradicting their own worldview. This is a form of passive exclusion to make it appear as if they are morally neutral when they are just as militant about their worldview as the most far-right fanatic. They just use the means of political power and control over the media to silence individuals instead of weapons and violence.

The only moral relativist that has a made a comment consistent with her own worldview in place during this whole thing was Rosie O’Donnell. http://newsbusters.org/stories/rosie_de … node/11950 She basically is defending Imus’ right to say whatever he wants on his show under the article of freedom of speech. She even says freedom of speech “is not a freedom if you outlaw certain words or thoughts, because then the thought police come and then before you know it, everyone’s in Guantanamo Bay without representation.” Now while she’s taking a jab at conservatives on the war, she has a point that is consistent with her worldview. Does she not?

Relativists position themselves as morally neutral, yet they are anything but that. They believe things are absolutely right and wrong like those who believe certain “truths” are totally wrong. When are people in our society going to see that relativism is a dead-end worldview? It cannot be successfully sustained as truthful, namely because it is absolutely wrong. I guess I’ll be silenced next for saying anything about it now.

Bleak Future Ahead For the World: MoD Report

http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/story … 20,00.html

I cannot imagine what I would do if I had no hope of a future resurrection in Christ while reading this article. It could be these are simply nay-sayers, but regardless, even the scriptures themselves speak of a bleak outlook for humanity (that is apart from Christ who will renew all creation in the end). Even if we were to die from the world going into mass chaos, large mobs forming, and undemocratic, marxist-style forces emerging to govern us, our hope does not lie here and what we can obtain or hold on to. This is a very bleak report from the Ministry of Defence in Britain about the future state of the world.

However, if I read this without the proper Biblical lens through which we see the final end to which God purposed all creation, namely His glory, I would be full of fear. But despite whatever man says will happen, and even if it were worse than what is predicted in this report, the hope for all who call on Christ for salvation is that we will be made perfect in order to be with Him and enjoy Him forever. One thing we can count on in this life, as it says in the Scriptures: things will go from bad to worse in the last days. I’m personally convinced we have been in the last days since Christ ascended to heaven, and to not focus too much on eschatology, but rather focus on our future hope, the glory of God in the face of Christ that we will enjoy and be satisfied by forever. Because of His death, resurrection, power, and work in us and for us who believe, we are more than conquerors! This is our hope and reading reports like this simply make me want to flee to Christ and trust Him all the more, because it shows me how nothing can be trusted in this place for eternal hope. So in reading this, remember Christ and the hope you have in Him the whole time. Apart from Him and His joy made perfect in us through the sustaining of our faith in Christ, a bleak future remains here and forever for all humanity under His wrath and displeasure. May we flee to Christ for refuge no matter what the cost down the road!

Whoa man … talk about “1984”-ish Technology

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id … 20cameras/

This is freaky, particularly the parts about the cameras telling you when you are engaging in anti-social behavior. How exactly do you define “anti-social behavior”? So I assume eventually evangelism of any kind will be considered anti-social behavior (I mean it already is in many quarters)? Where does this stop though? Well, according to the track-record of mankind, it won’t stop there; it will continue on until something awful happens and only war will stop it. England is becoming a surveillance society on a scale never-before seen except in books like 1984, where you are told from a person you cannot see what you should and should not do. And as cultural trends go in Europe, so will they be here eventually. We are already beginning to see more and more cameras at traffic lights in our society, but even more than that, we are seeing them in the public square where we are constantly being watched. Man, do we need to be careful …

Daylight Savings Time Change Was Apparently for Nothing

http://today.reuters.com/news/articlene … amp;rpc=22

The original intent of the change was to save on energy, not to give us an extra hour of light (though that was a benefit, at least to me). But now this article indicates that the supposed drop in energy consumption that would result has not occurred. In fact it appears people are using about the same amount of energy, just in the morning now instead of the evening. It would be nice if the energy department would have done some actual planning before imposing infrastructure-wide changes on the entire nations IT systems. I mean I can’t tell you how many machines I had to update to comply with the new change. And that takes time, and time on the job takes money, and think of how many systems exist in this nation that had to be changed and how many people had to be paid to update them. That’s a lot of money that was spent in vain. Just frustrating, but oh well. Not the end of the world, and besides, I like the extra hour of light in the early part of spring anyway. My point is basically about the planning of our government institutions … and some people really believe more government is the answer to our social issues? Hmmm … let’s take this as an example of how inefficient that would be. I mean consider this type of planning on issues that are a little more important than DST.

Celebrity Atheists

http://www.nbc5i.com/slideshow/entertai … s&tn=b

It is really no surprise that Hollywood is increasingly becoming more and more corrupt and pushing as many boundaries as possible when you read this list of celebrities who openly and firmly deny the existence of God. What else would you do but pursue the depths of depravity if you didn’t have a relationship with the greatest treasure in all the universe, Jesus Christ? The One through whom the universe came to be? Thank you Lord for having mercy on my soul and inclining my heart toward you when I wanted nothing to do with you, and would have gone to the same lengths many in our culture do. Lord, it is You alone and your grace in the cross that has made me to differ, I am no better than any, I am a sinner saved by sheer grace. All credit to you Lord … I praise You.

I’ve found the coffin of Jesus, says film director

http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/arti … article.do

This guy is claiming he has proved with DNA and excavation evidence, that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene, had a son, and that they were all buried next to each other, thus allegedly proving Jesus never rose from the dead, in hopes that he can turn Christianity on its head. And as much as we as believers want to say, “What an idiot, how could he,” we must remember first that we are no better and the only reason we differ from this guy is the grace of Christ. In fact, the Scriptures have something to say concerning all of us. Psalm 14:1-3 says:

The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds, there is none who does good. The LORD looks down from heaven on the children of man, to see if there are any who understand, who seek after God. They have all turned aside; together they have become corrupt; there is none who does good, not even one.

We are all in the same state apart from the inward work of regeneration by the Holy Spirit to turn our hearts from rebellion to seeing Christ as beautiful and embracing Him. Had God left us to our natural desires, we would run head first straight into hell. As the Scripture says, God looks down upon all of us, and from His perspective (the only one that counts), no one seeks after Him. Sure, they may seek after a god of their choosing, made in their likeness, thought up in their own minds, but in no way do they seek after Him, the true King of the universe. How offensive must that be? And this is all of us. Apart from the work of Christ to transform our dead hearts bent on destruction, we would be doing the exact same thing, rejecting God, bent on eternal destruction. By nature our hearts and our will are in bondage to sin and are predisposed to using all of our energy to reject Him. And so before any of us start getting so upset about how absurd this is, just remember that should be you had God not intervened in your will and cut you to the heart by revealing His glory as seen in Christ. Otherwise, you would have despised Christ just like everyone else. I absolutely think this is absurd, but not surprising. Man naturally hates and despises Christ and wants to reject and suppress the truth as much as they can. During this whole thing, remember this thought from Scripture:

“For if the dead are not raised, not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins.”
1 Corinthians 15:16-17

There is no hope apart from the life, death, resurrection, ascension, work, and return of Christ to raise us from the dead, giving us life in Himself.

New Monergism.com is Here!

Interesting to See How This Turns Out


Iran Failed to Meet the Deadline … Now What?


Oh wait, I know … let’s make another UN Security Council resolution and set another deadline :] seems to be working so effectively as it is.

Monergism Launches New Site Next Week!

Off Monergism.com front page:

“Monergism.com is launching its long anticipated major upgrade next week (the week starting Feb 18th), corresponding to the Chinese New Year (Spring Festival). New Features will include:

* Redesign of the look and feel of the site. Color theme remains the same.

* Highly Scalable

* RSS and Email Subscriptions

* Dynamic database driven directory of theology

* Search on Every page

* The capacity for “Moderators”, of whom we can assign a password and category. In other words, Monergism.com will no longer be limited to the work of one person but will be a collaborative effort. Categories can be assigned to experts or Aficionado on the various topics.

While the focus of the content will remain the same, Lord willing, we will continue to add new features, articles and categories to the site. The goal is continue to be a vertical Christ-centered portal for the historic Christian faith.”

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