“Sure, this talk of the warmists at Copenhagen planning a new ‘world government’ is crazy. I just wish the warmists wouldn’t talk of it themselves. Take the new and first president of the European Union, Herman Van Rompuy:
The Climate Conference in Copenhagen is another step forward towards the ‘global management of our planet…'”
“‘It is important though to recognize if we keep on adding to the debt, even in the midst of this recovery, that at some point, people could lose confidence in the U.S. economy in a way that could actually lead to a double-dip recession,’ [President Obama] said.
Hello … The Democrats are the one’s with these outrageous policies, bailouts, massive government spending, health care expenditures, the very one’s looking to expand our debt way beyond where it is now. On top of that, President Obama himself has been a huge backer of these policies, fighting tooth and nail, as well as campaigning, to make sure they are passed.
Is he back-peddling now on all the spending? I mean I hope he is, don’t get me wrong, because we need to reverse this stuff or the economy is going to get even worse. I would applaud him for doing so. It just makes you wonder what the Chinese are saying to him on his trip behind the scenes, or if he’s just talking out of the other side of his mouth. And I wonder if what they are saying to him will make any impact, if they are making economic threats of some nature. Interesting development … just trying to make sense of all of this, because, well, it doesn’t.
Worth noting, if you’re an avid prime time NBC fan … I’m not, but some of you may be. Don’t get me wrong, I like a couple of shows (The Office to name one). But I do find quite a conflict of interest with all of this green talk, GE, NBC and the Obama administration ties to all of it:
We must confront this issue and abolish this act. To think that this is approved and has legal backing, that every day babies (little people!) are being killed for the sake of money and convenience, completely grieves my heart. Watching this video brought me to tears. It is of greater importance than probably any other issue we face in our time. Why would we continue to expect that the Lord will bless our society while this is going on?
If you’re a believer in the Gospel of Christ and still undecided about the “issue” of abortion, listen to Abby Johnson’s story, former director of Planned Parenthood in Bryan, TX. Then looking through the lens of Scripture and God’s justice concerning the weakest among us (the poor, the sick, the weak, the homeless, orphans, widows, infants, babies in the womb), it is inconceivable that anyone considering themselves a believer could approve of this reprehensible act or just not even give a glance as to what has been approved in our society. As horrible as it is, we must acknowledge and face what is going on behind closed doors, in the secret places where no one thinks they are seen.
As horrible as this is, as I’ve said before, if you have had an abortion or have assisted in any, there is great mercy and cleansing of sin through faith in Christ alone. Repent, come, believe and be cleansed by His saving blood, shed on behalf of sinners, not the “righteous”. God saves the guilty through the life, death and resurrection of His Son who perfectly and completely intercedes on behalf of those who rest in Him for their salvation.
As opposed to the Democrats plans to change the health care system, that calls for more irresponsible spending (money we don’t have), more taxes, and will inevitably lower the overall quality of health care for the long-term through a muck up of bureaucracy, the GOP has released their plan which calls for less spending, not more, no new taxes, and which lowers premiums.
Interestingly, the CBO (the Congressional Budget Office, that pesky independent Congressional fact-checking agency of the government) seems to agree with those assertions and backs it up with numbers. Check it out (PDF): http://www.cbo.gov/ftpdocs/107xx/doc10705/hr3962amendmentBoehner.pdf.
The stakes in the climate change/global warming debate are getting raised to levels many of us should really be concerned about now. As if the cap and trade/tax bill wasn’t enough to cause concern for the stability of our economy, there is now a treaty to be signed in Copenhagen at a UN meeting. Some are saying it would cede U.S. sovereignty and accountability to a global government who would essentially be in charge of redistributing wealth from the Western world to third world countries as a sort of penance for our assumed climate crimes.
Many are speaking out on this issue. On the one hand you have the skeptics, such as myself, whose voices are growing, even from within the scientific community (700 dissenting scientists from within the IPCC), who are very concerned about the real intentions of this treaty. On the other hand, you have those, such as Al Gore and the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, who are boldly saying we are all in agreement, all on the same page concerning the evidence as well as what needs to be done.
And it’s just getting started. Moderates and independents thought conservatives were just being partisan (certainly many were to be fair) when we were explaining what the nation was getting with an Obama/Chicago-style administration. It’s not a joke, nor is it mere politics. They mean business. If you’re not with them, you’re against them and thus become a target of ridicule, official scorn and marginalization.
In reference to Fox News, White House officials had these things to say (emphasis mine):
If Aldous Huxley were still alive, I can’t help but think that he would say, “Told you so,” except with a longer, deeper explanation of how his vision of the future was coming to pass in ways he predicted and ways he couldn’t have foreseen … all in his quaint, British accent of course. The methods cited above, being employed by this administration to “educate” the public in this new postmodern version of collectivism, are striking, and in light of Huxley’s assessment kind of chilling and ominous concerning the precedent being set for the future.
We’re certainly not to the final end-point Huxley describes as the Final Revolution, but good grief. Some of the things being employed by this administration are some of the exact methods described by Huxley that are now being employed on a large scale, just as he warned. They are intertwining government messages to service (as they have described this themselves here and here) with television shows! It may be this is purely benign at the moment, though it is clear they want to funnel you to government sponsored websites. What if such a method continues 10, 20 years down the road? What will that look like by then?
(For the record, I do not necessarily agree with every view in this interview. As far as Moore is concerned, I agree with him concerning the assessment of the problems, that bankers (though I would add the government intertwined with the bankers) have created the problems. But I do not agree with his assessment that capitalism, as a theory, is the problem that perpetuated this crisis … bankers and big government are the problem.)
It stunned me this was aired on PBS with Bill Moyers, of all places: http://www.pbs.org/moyers/journal/10092009/watch.html … really worth watching. These are not some right-wing, gun-slingin,’ militia crazies from the boondocks. In this 20 minute interview, former IMF Chief Economist Simon Johnson and Rep. Kaptur (D-OH) discuss the likelihood that a financial coup d’etat has taken place in our economy. Very fascinating and startling. I never thought I would be hearing these things coming from the likes of PBS with Bill Moyers. Glenn Beck? Sure, you would expect that. But PBS? The conversation in the financial industry is taking a major turn now.