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AJAX Chat – Replacing Morevil Chat

For my old chatroom, I was using a Java applet chatroom that had no real authentication, called Morevil Chat, the unregistered version. You have to pay for it, and it really isn’t that good, compared to the open-source one I have found. Now I’m using Ajax Chat that utilizes javascript, PHP, MySQL and XML to trasmit and receive messages. I’m very very impressed. The response time is phenomenal and you can setup registered users as well as allow anyone in as a guest with a username of their choice. Anyway, check it out! https://www.westerfunk.net/chat/

Also, here is the site I obtained AJAX Chat from: https://blueimp.net/ajax/

MojoPak – This is Awesome! But What About Organizational Security?


This free program makes it possible to install all your favorite applications on a thumb drive or iPod and take it anywhere with you. You can then connect your device to any Windows XP machine (like a public machine) and utilize all of your apps with no trace of it left on the host machine (including all of your browsing). Totally awesome! Haven’t tried it out at all, so I don’t know how it actually works in practice. And for the person using it, it is very secure. And that’s the problem I see. For me personally, it is a great way to be secure wherever I am. But what about for the hacker? The concern I have is for people who utilize this that desire to do harm to a company or organization. It’s super secure for the person using it, and that’s the problem; maybe it’s a little too secure. With the recent wave of Chinese corporate espionage taking place, this is just one more tool in their arsenal to obtain sensitive information. If this app leaves no trace of activity on the host machine (other than leaving a log of a device connecting via USB), it opens up organizations for the potential to get hacked hard and have no way to find out what the person actually did on the host machine. So this is incredible technology, and yet also opens the door for some serious holes.

Dude, You’re Getting a Dell … Some Day

Well, I ordered Courtney, my wife, a laptop from Dell on December 7th and it’s still not here. Not only that, the arrival date has been changed, once again, to January 8th. One month! That’s a long time for an order to come through. And considering the fact that I can get a comparable laptop for $150 less than this Dell laptop at Best Buy just down the street (and get it right now, as opposed to one month later), Dell is showing to me at least how much their service has gone down hill over the years. They apparently did not logistically plan for the number of orders they received this Christmas season and now they are paying for it. I logged in to the Dell support chat to see if they could give me an extra GB of memory for having to wait and they refused. When I asked why, he just told me they couldn’t without any real reason. But when I called into support, they told me the laptop was almost finished being assembled and was close to being shipped so that’s why they couldn’t add anything to the order. So that made a little more sense. Oh well, I mean it’s not a huge deal … but if someone can get a cheaper laptop with almost the exact same specs right now, why would they want to order a Dell at all? I’m thinking this may be the last time I order a Dell. Tell that to Dell’s CEO.

Peace Child by Don Richardson – A Review

This true missionary story is such an excellent picture of how the Gospel can come in to even the most morally backward culture and transform it from the inside out. It seemed Don and Carol Richardson were up against impossible odds; indeed they were. How can a stone-age tribe who valued treachery more than sacrifice possibly comprehend, let alone believe the sacrificial message of Christ’s redemption for sinners? Only the Holy Spirit alone could make this possible. And at the same time, the Holy Spirit used the difficult work of the missionaries to clearly communicate this message to the Sawi people in Netherlands New Guinea.

To start off, Don and Carol had to learn their language. Then they had to attempt to communicate the Gospel, and in so doing, the Sawi people wound up valuing Judas’ betrayal of Christ more than Christ’s sacrifice! How in the world could they possible communicate the Gospel now? Little did Don know God had foreordained redemptive analogies within the Sawi culture long ago that would be used to display the wondrous work of Christ. In order for the tribe to make peace with another tribe nearby where there had been enmity for quite some time, each tribe had to offer a peace child: one of their own children was given over to the other tribe in order to establish peace. And as long as the children lived, there was peace between the tribes, no matter what one did to the other. However, if one of the children died, peace no longer reigned between the tribes.

Don realized he could use this analogy to communicate that Christ is the Perfect Peace Child, the one who was given on behalf of sinners to create peace between us and the true God, forever; and He is the One who will never die, unlike their frail children, in an environment thick with diseases and no cures. Once the Sawi people saw this beautiful display of the Gospel in a way they could finally comprehend and see as valuable, by the work of God’s Spirit alone through the message preached, many believed, and slowly the tribe began changing from the inside out. Over time, through the continued communication of the Gospel, they no longer valued treachery, but rather they valued the Ultimate Peace Child who was given on their behalf so they could be at peace with God. In addition, the Gospel message spread to many of the other tribes and there was unity that had not been there for possibly eons. Not only did the Gospel come in and save their souls from eternal destruction, but it came in and revolutionized the culture, their ethics, value systems, and it reversed the curse of Satanaic darkness that had held this people in spiritual bondage for so long. Praise God for such a wonderful picture of how the Gospel can come in and not only revolutionize individuals but also entire communities!

The Gospel and its message is no different in our Western culture. Though we come from a Judeo-Christian background (or really post-Christian in many respects), we have value systems, beliefs, understandings of reality, that all need healing and reversal by the work of the cross. In the same way the Sawi people were held in bondage by ideas of reality that were lies of Satan (doctrinal error, if you will), so also, our culture has ideas that need reversing by the message of the Gospel. This book is a great illustration of contextualizing the Gospel to a unique people group so they can see the light of Christ. And at the same time, this is exactly what we need to be doing with the Gospel in our own increasingly secularized setting we find ourselves in. With the missionary ideas of Gospel sharing and preaching presented in this book, it is my hope we all realize we too are missionaries in our respective settings and that we have the message of eternal life to present to many who just assume they are Christians because they are Americans.

Finished up Overcoming Sin and Temptation, Moving on to Peace Child

After pro-longing my reading of Overcoming Sin and Temptation with the coming of our new born son Grayson, I finally finished it up. What an amazing unfolding of the effective power of sin in the lives of true believers, professing hypocritical believers (unbelievers), and blatant unbelievers. This book is by far the best treatment of the doctrine of sin I have ever read. I highly recommend it! If you want to read some quotes, just type in “Overcoming Sin and Temptation” or “John Owen” to the Search bar above (minus the quotes of course).

Now I’m moving on to Peace Child by Don Richardson. Here is a great description of the book off of Amazon:

“In 1962, Don and Carol Richardson risked their lives to share the gospel with the Sawi people of New Guinea. Peace Child tells their unforgettable story of living among these headhunters and cannibals who valued treachery through “fattening” victims with friendship before the slaughter. God gave Don and Carol the key to the Sawi hearts via a redemptive analogy from their own mythology. The “peace child” became the secret to unlocking a value system that existed through generations over centuries, possibly millenniums, of time. This analogy became a stepping-stone by which the gospel came into the Sawi culture and started both a spiritual and a social revolution from within. With an epilogue updating how the gospel has impacted the Sawi people, Peace Child will inspire a new generation of readers who need to hear this unforgettable story and the lessons it teaches us about communicating Christ in a meaningful way to those around us.”

Overcoming Sin and Temptation by John Owen – A Review

Owen brings so much content to the table concerning the nature and power of sin in the life of the believer, it is like trying to drink from a fire hose. His thought process, logic, and ability to synthesize Biblical information is beyond comparison. The book is actually a compilation of three books: On the Mortification of Sin in Believers, Of Temptation: The Nature and Power of It, and Indwelling Sin.

In the first book, On the Mortification of Sin in Believers, Owen makes the distinction, from the very beginning, that no unbeliever can mortify sin, just as Paul shows in Romans 8:5-8. Sin is only mortified by the Spirit. Unbelievers are without the Spirit, therefore, whatever good they may have attained to is a self-righteousness they have wrought within themselves. And as Isaiah 64:6 states of works done to try and please God outside of God and the righteousness He provides (namely through Christ), “all our righteous acts are like filthy rags,” and are offensive even to God. “Everything that does not come from faith is sin,” and therefore no unbeliever has a part in true mortification. They may deceive themselves in this manner, thinking they have truly reformed themselves, just as the Pharisees thought. But this is not the case. Owen goes on to describe what mortification is not, by going into detail about the very nature of how men think they have mortified a sin by “morally reforming themselves,” when really the sin still lies in wait until the opportune time to strike, or morphs into another kind of sin (i.e. lust turning to pride or covetousness). Then he goes on to describe what mortification actually is, and that it cannot and will not occur outside of the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit through the work of Jesus Christ to strike at the root of the sin. Owen also makes the point that if you are not daily mortifying sin, even though you may think you are simply lying still and being complacent, you are actually being anesthetized by the sin and under attack, where it gains a greater foothold in your life, making it even more difficult to deal with. Then finally, at the end of the book, Owen states that all he has written up until that point was meant to prepare for the actual work of mortifying sin, and then gives directions pertaining to the work of mortification itself.

In the second book, Of Temptation: The Nature and Power of It, he goes into great detail about what “Entering into Temptation” actually means. He uses the Scripture where Jesus is telling the disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane to be watchful and pray that they may not enter into temptation. Many suppose this means simply to avoid temptation, but Owen describes that being tempted and entering into temptation are two entirely different things. Jesus was tempted but never entered into temptation. Once a person enters into temptation, meaning they make a conscious decision to flirt or play with a sin “at a distance” (so they suppose), it is like a quick sand that pulls you down further than you ever wanted to go, moving you to do things you never thought you could do, bringing about ruin and misery in your life.

The third book, Indwelling Sin, is basically Owen’s unpacking of Romans 7, where Paul lays out the great war going on within him between his sin (his old nature) and the Spirit (that is, the new nature created in Him by the Spirit). The great conflict within all regenerate believers in the Gospel can be summed up in the Latin phrase Simul iustus et pecator – that is, we are simultaneously justified yet sinful at the same time. And there is an unimaginable war going on within us as a result, sin fighting vigorously and deceitfully for sovereignty in our hearts over against the sovereignty of the Holy Spirit in our hearts. He shows how the heart is the seat of the affections we have within us. And for sin to reign in our hearts is to control our affections. Owen dissects the various ways in which sin attacks every facet of our being, to keep us in bondage, in order to carry out offenses against God.

In all of these books, Owen strives to show with Scripture, reason, and extensive arguments, our absolute inability to do any spiritual good that matters in God’s eyes. We our poor, wicked souls, that are in need of Gospel/Cross healing, and that is our only hope even. We are utterly dependent upon God to work within us that which is holy and pleasing in his sight, that He might change our affections, desires, wills, to line up with that of Christ’s. God has given us the means of grace (Scripture, prayer, fellowship, accountability, communion, baptism) in order that we may come to Him and be healed by Him alone. We must make use of the means in order that God may work in us and pursue Him and the supernatural change He makes within us, on His time frame and will. He is sovereign, we are not, in every way. The hope of the Christian alone, in becoming conformed to the image of Christ, is that God is sovereign to change hearts through the cross of Christ, and is indeed willing to do just that. We are on His time frame though. We do not have a wishful hope that God would move in us, but a sure promise that, “He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:6) And we must fight with all the tools and resources God has given us, to have this change done within us by the Holy Spirit alone.

Christianity and Liberalism Written by J. Gresham Machen – A Review

Written in 1923, Machen addresses a system encroaching upon the church that would bring about the sure eclipse of the very Gospel itself within the 20th century. It is important to note from the outset that this liberalism is not at all the same as modern political liberalism, but is rather theological liberalism. In his day, J. Gresham Machen, at great cost to himself, fought against the theological and doctrinal accommodation of the scientific culture within the church, who were denying miracles and the supernatural based upon empirical scientific evidence. Despite many of his “brethren” in the day, he held out that we must adhere to the divine, supernatural nature of all that Christianity entails or else forfeit the Gospel itself: the divine inerrancy of the Scriptures, the nature and qualities of both God and man, that salvation is a supernatural work of God, that real people with real sins were atoned for by the blood of Christ, the human and divine natures of Christ, amongst many things that set Historic Christianity apart from all other religions devised by man out in the world.

The thinking of the forerunners of theological liberalism went like this, “In order to reach the scientifically enlightened culture we live in, it is not important to hold to a literal virgin birth, a literal resurrection, atonement through the cross, or any miracles really at all, mainly because these events cannot be empirically proven through scientific analysis and methods; we believe these things personally, but it is not important to hold to these things in light of science.” Because the church was increasingly falling prey to this and in danger of apostatizing from the Gospel itself as a result, Machen wrote this book in response and fought vigorously for the truth of the Scriptures, Orthodoxy, and Historic Christianity. While it is definitely possible the intentions of the original liberals were good in trying to reach a culture with Christ that had scientific empirical evidence as a presupposition when coming to the spiritual/supernatural statements of Christianity, the followers in its wake have basically denied Christianity of any supernatural and divine quality (which is how lives are effectually changed, i.e. God creates in people something that was not there through the cross of Christ). Theological liberalism essentially renders Christianity just another choice of moralistic religions, that we are all “basically good,” and can morally reform ourselves outside of God, amongst a host of other religions saying the same thing in principle.

I believe it is deeply and vastly important for modern believers in the Gospel to read this book, because there is a movement underway in our culture that is doing the same things as liberals of the early 20th century. The liberalism of the 20th century addressed the Modern era, and now the Emerging church (or new liberalism) addresses the postmodern era. With modernism there was scientific certainty; with postmodernism, there is total uncertainty and skepticism, and this has translated into the realm of spirituality (i.e. “we can’t really know anything for sure concerning who God is, what He’s like,” etc). While times have changed (philosophical/cultural thinking) and even science itself (there is increasing ambiguity concerning the very nature of particles and waves in the scientific community, i.e. what scientists thought they knew for sure in the 20th century concerning matter, anti-matter, and laws of physics, they are not so sure about now, based greatly upon quantum mechanics – so miracles and the supernatural are no longer deemed as impossible scientific propositions), the premise is the same in both ages: adopt the culture with its thinking, belief structure, and presuppositions in order to win the culture for Christ. Make Christianity attractive by bringing in the thinking of the world around us.

Sounds good right? I mean, at least on a surface level, the intention may be good, which is win people for Christ! But is it effective in the long run? As John Piper properly notes in an introduction to a sermon he preached, “If you adjust your doctrine to fit the world in order to attract the world, sooner or later the world realizes that they already have what the church offers. That was the story of much of mainline Protestantism in Europe and America in the 20th century. Adjust your doctrine – or just minimize doctrine – to attract the world, and in the very process of attracting them, lose the radical truth [the Gospel itself] that alone can set them free.”

In order to accommodate a postmodern culture in which we live, the Emerging Church has brought down doctrinal walls in order to win the culture. However, as history shows, this does not work. This movement will ultimately wind up blocking people from seeing, believing in, and enjoying the true Christ of the Scriptures (as opposed to the Jesus made in their own image and likeness), for which they will be held accountable before His White Throne judgment (may God have mercy on us all on that day). Emergents have themselves adopted postmodern thought within a “new” system of Christianity, that you cannot really know anything for sure, so there is no need to be dogmatic on doctrine. And in addition to this, they have in many cases totally redefined the Christian message altogether, where it is no longer distinguishable from that of other religions with their pseudo-pietistic, works-based approach to God. As with the liberalism in the 20th century that Machen addressed in this book, the Emerging Church will surely bring about the very eclipse of Christ and the Gospel (the good news of redemption!) itself in the 21st century. The Emerging Church is just version 2.0 of the theological liberalism of the 20th century. May we learn from history and glorify Jesus by adhering to His infallible Word, even if people hate us!

“But we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.” – 1 Corinthians 1:23-34

If you want to read this book right now, go here (PDF):

Audio biography of J. Gresham Machen by John Piper (MP3):

John Piper’s sermon on Romans 9:1-5:

Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith – Review by Dale Van Dyke:

Radiohead – In Rainbows

I got my email this morning for my unique download link, burned it to CD, and listened to it on the way into work. Awesome … seems to integrate styles from past albums with more strings and not quite as much electronic back beats. Very tastefully produced.

Microsoft LifeCam: First Experience Not So Good

I purchased a new Microsoft LifeCam VX-6000 over the web from BestBuy.com and was thoroughly displeased. Upon plugging it into my server, it picked up a USB 2.0 device, which is normal (i.e. there was no driver for it to utilize). So I installed the software, and no matter what I did, I could not get the webcam to see the drivers. I tried several different procedures for installing the software and the webcam; no go. So I’m taking it back to try another one today. We’ll see how that goes.

Update @ 11:35 am

And there’s more: my sweet wife took the cam back to a Best Buy near us to exchange it this morning. You would think this would be simple enough. Nope. Apparently, because I used a gift card on BestBuy.com to order my cam, they had to fully refund the cam back to my account in two parts, $8.00 for the part I actually paid, and the $100.00 back to the gift card, which they will now send in the mail as they had to reissue a new one. So the cam didn’t work, they took it back, and now instead of just exchanging it for another of the same product, they must reissue a card? I’m confused on that one. Not a huge deal to wait, just as long as I get the $100.00 card back. So do not use a Best Buy gift card on BestBuy.com, in case you have to return the product.

Update @ 3:02 pm on 7/13/2007 – I have now obtained the VX-3000 model, which is half the price of the VX-6000, and it works well. I plugged it in and Windows XP found the drivers right away. It does not have the wide-screen lens, but it does what I need it to. The one drawback I can see so far is the software seems to be very limited on its ability to efficiently change brightness, contrast, gamma, flicker, etc. Some times I would change settings and it wouldn’t take

A Convenient Lie – A Review of Live Earth

Live Earth: How shall I describe it? Democratic National Convention, one in a long line of hippy fests, possible political front for Al Gore’s Presidential bid in the near future, “Green” Woodstock, the largest hypocritical organized event in the world, GE fluorescent light bulb marketing campaign (via NBC), NBC-backed partisan political push for the Democrats, hybrid marketing campaign, excuse to go to a concert and drink yourself in the ground, a “progressive” excuse to protest an infringement of the climate on our constitutional rights (even if it is a theory), a reason for artists to be in the spotlight and market their music, a reason to be entertained for fans, a false way of feeling like you are making a difference when you are simply adding to the alleged problem by attending, a sham, a convenient way for the super rich and famous to be telling all of us peons what we should be doing and not be doing it themselves.

And no, Leonardo, there is no consensus in the scientific community on the issue. Why the fabrication? There is in fact a great divide. What a giant lie this whole thing is … and Al Gore, in the name of inclusion of all people from all types of backgrounds, you are excluding all those who disagree with you, like me and half of the scientific community. For pollution to be cut down at the levels it needs to be to reverse any supposed climate change caused by man, all construction and industrial production from all sectors of the world must cease immediately. And … purchasing carbon offsets is going to do the job? Really? I’m at a loss, basically this sums it up: Al Gore, people will go to anything where there are stars, music, beer, and a reason to protest; that does not necessarily mark success though in your fight at the phantom that is global warming. Makes my head hurt …

http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/ … 027517.ece
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/f … ge_id=1879
http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id … _article=1
http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/07/washi … nted=print
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co … 01_pf.html
http://www.davidwesterfield.net/comment … 614-095935
http://www.davidwesterfield.net/comment … 516-094518
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