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Tag: Congress

Ron Paul’s Final Speech on the Floor of Congress

Is That Yet Another Threat?

“The Obama administration is warning Congress that if it doesn’t move to regulate greenhouse gases, the Environmental Protection Agency will take a ‘command-and-control’ role over the process in way that could hurt business.”

Basically, unless I read that incorrectly, the Administration is telling Congress that if it doesn’t pass the cap and trade bill, the EPA is going to seize “command-and-control” power over the emissions of the country. Talk about the politics of fear being played to exert power over one of the other branches of government. That just smells undemocratic to me. Anyone else?

The Natives Are Getting Restless (Videos)

Bottom line: healthcare proposals and current/proposed taxes are ticking people off. As the unemployment rate sinks further, and these people can’t find jobs, and on top of this, the weight of more taxes and payments are forced on the American public by an incompetent government, people are going to start fighting back in various forms. As Gerald Celente says, “When people lose everything and have nothing to lose, they lose it.” Unless things start turning the tide in the broader economy, we’re going to start seeing more of this I believe. And it could get ugly.

Change We Can All Believe In … In the Middle of a Recession

Email with more information from Kay Granger on the Climate Bill that passed the House two Friday’s ago. Unbelievable.

Dear Friends,

I heard your concerns loud and clear about the “cap and trade” bill.  The overwhelming majority of you who shared your thoughts with me voiced your opposition and frustration, and I am proud to say I voted against this misguided bill.  Although this 1,400-page bill narrowly passed the House, we are still learning what’s in it because parts of the bill were hidden from Members of Congress until less than a day before the vote.

Many of you told me you are worried about the job losses and economic impact we can expect from this bill.  What you may not know is that the Democrats who wrote this legislation know it is going to cost American jobs, so they included incredible new benefits for workers who lose their jobs because of this bill.  These benefits include 156 weeks’ worth of payments that are equal to 70 percent of the worker’s average weekly wage; 80 percent of their monthly health care premium; up to $1,500 for job search assistance; up to $1,500 for moving expenses; and job counseling, training, and other assistance.  Rather than instituting an expensive new welfare program that will cost untold millions in tax dollars, wouldn’t it make more sense to stop those jobs from being lost in the first place?

Kay Granger on the Energy Bill Being Crafted – Outrageous

This is outright tyranny. Just like the trillions in bailouts that clearly aren’t working (see Warren Buffett’s comments from today, who himself is a liberal Democrat), this too will be crammed down our throats, without debate, without the consent of the people for whom Congress allegedly works, without any dialog or discussion, under the assumption of an unproven theory that man is causing the Earth to warm. This is simply outrageous. And it will raise costs on everything, especially energy, to levels we likely haven’t seen … and all this at a time when our economy is in one of the worst crises since the Great Depression and on the verge of possibly getting worse for a long time to come. Simply unbelievable. Yet this is the exact kind of nonsense that was warned against before the election. Kay Granger is up in arms on this one.

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