I had my wife take the DSL filter just off of the modem and since then I’ve only had one minor problem (for like 10 seconds based on monitoring). Why don’t they just tell you to plug your DSL modem straight into the wall and to not put the filter on it at the very beginning, thus bypassing all the tech calls to India and problems I’ve had? Argh, oh well. God is sovereign and it has been good in working on my sanctification, so praise Him for the problems (as if this was a real trial at all in the scheme of trials in the past and the trials of others). Well it was frustrating to me dern it 🙂 But it looks like taking the filter out of the picture may have done it, so woo hoo! I’ll keep all of you updated who even care to read this far about something that affects no one but me.
Category: Personal Page 9 of 10
Well, you learn something new everyday I guess. I have had a problem with my DSL for several months now where it will drop in and out, sometimes dropping for 30 minutes. I have called SBC’s tech support over and over again to no avail. Occasionally they are able to tweak the line to some degree, but not enough to triumph over the problem. It was always like putting a band-aid on a wound. I called so many times that I just learned to have the first level tech support guy (in India usually) transfer me to the line department directly. So after this went on for several months, the connection dropping, me calling tech support, them fixing it temporarily, I finally got someone that knew something I didn’t know (something that may help the rest of you on a DSL connection if you ever have this problem). The guy at the line department said that looking at the logs on my connection he could tell the problem was more than likely an issue with my line filter. What was more astonishing (and I didn’t know this before), the guy said it’s a good rule of thumb to hook your modem’s telephone line directly to the wall jack without a filter but to put filters on every other telephony device in the house that lies on the same line! I did that and I am seeing significantly less errors in my firewall logs than I was before. However, I’m not holding my breath because this same type of thing has happened before where it appeared the issue was fixed and then it failed over and over again. I’m not understanding why they give you filters that have both a computer jack and a telephone jack if all you’re filtering is your analog voice connection. Anyway, what really amazed me and proved to me that was indeed the problem is that yesterday, when the connection had dropped for about 30 minutes, I called SBC (again), and upon learning that vital piece of information I had my wife take out the filter for me, and bamm: it connected instantly. So it seems this may have fixed it … so if you have a DSL line, you may try hooking your modem up directly to the wall, just so this never happens to you 😉
I’ve been having this problem with my laptop where I’m just doing my normal thing and for no stinkin’ reason, it just shuts off, instantaneously, with no warning. It first started happening at work, so I thought maybe it had to do with the power outlet I was plugged into. So I switched out the plug to a different outlet. No go. It did it again. After that I then attempted to switch out power strips. No go. I then took it home and it did it there too! I took the battery out, unplugged it from the wall, and just let it sit for about five minutes thinking maybe it just needed the electrons to fully drain out of it (due to possible static build-up or whatever). After I did that, I carried along with my business for a while, but then it happened again and again, both at work and home. So I’m thinking maybe there’s an issue with the power regulation on the laptop. It doesn’t seem to be the power cable for the laptop itself either because I have two different power cords, one at work (in my docking station) and one at home. Argh. That’s my frustrated rant for the day. Oh Lord, be my light, and sanctify me in the midst of frustrating, insignificant issues like this, that I may not burn with anger because I don’t get what I want in my way, but that I might turn from myself and give you glory and be satisfied by You. I pray You work in me to put my theology into practice.
I have just been so blessed by God lately in my Scripture reading and time spent with Him (as well as reflection on my life in general in light of the cross). After having looked back on my life in high school (pre turning back to Christ), there is just such destruction and misery all in my paths. I was full of rage, malice, deceitfulness, just pure evil, and all sorts of other junk. It’s amazing I made it out alive from those days. There was several points that I really should have died. Sometimes, after having been delivered from such wickedness and hardness of heart, time can go by and you can forget what all happened back then. Man I was a loser, nothing in me worth saving. Why would God even consider me? How insignificant could I have been while I essentially gave Him the finger? I was so bent on seeking out what I wanted over against what He wanted, that I spat in His face at every turn. There were definitely times of remorse for my sin against Him, but I would quickly turn back to that sin, thus causing more destruction and misery, all around me. I carried with me much collateral damage. I caused so many people to suffer. Oh God, I am unworthy of anything. I deserved such torture for all eternity in hell for the way I trampled on Your glory. Even now, though I no longer live in those ways by Your grace alone, I pray You would continually cleanse me from further unrighteousness and give me a deeper repentance from all wickedness, pride, and self-righteousness. LORD, sovereign King, thank You for sending Your Son to be the propitiation for my sins, turning away the wrath of God. Lord Jesus, You are the lovely, holy, almighty God who took away my sin forever. I love You.
For those of you who utilize my websites on a frequent basis, if you don’t know this already, I run all my sites off of my home DSL connection. Well, within the past several months, for whatever reason, the connection has been highly unstable. I have called SBC over and over, and have learned to just have them transfer me to the line department. Even though I’ve had the line department check out the connection, they seem to always find an issue and fix it, but it only lasts about a week, two tops. I wanted to let everyone know because sometimes my site maybe down, and that’s why. I’ve attempted to get SBC to fix it, but they seem to be totally unwilling. At this point, I’m waiting for a new ISP service to be released sometime this year: BPL (Broadband over Power Line). TXU has teamed up with Current Communications to offer High Speed internet service to over 2 million customers in the DFW area at very competitive prices (Dallas-Fort Worth Earns BPL Clout). I heard a rumor (haven’t actually read this anywhere), but apparently they are going to be offering speeds of 3 mbps down / 3 up! Oh man. This will basically give DSL and cable internet providers a run for their money. But this competition will actually be good in the long-run for the consumer, 1) because we will benefit as far as prices are concerned, and 2) we will benefit from increased bandwidth (mainly because DSL providers will soon be offering ADSL2+ connectivity (~20 mbps down / 3 – 5 up) over existing phonelines and cable providers will be offering DOCSIS 3.0 connectivity (10 mbps down / 3 up)). I say bring it on, but hurry up, this instability is killing me!
Man my vacation was great. Much needed. Courtney and I got to go to Breckenridge, CO on the CCBC High School ski trip this year as leaders which was awesome. I had some great guys in my room and we had some awesome discussions about God, different beliefs, etc. On the second day we were there, while I was going up the lift to Peak 9, the winds were gusting up to 60 mph and there was tons of snow, so much that I couldn’t even see the lift chair in front of me. It was unbelievable. I’ve never seen that much snow in my life. Skiing through that was insane but tons of fun. I only had one major spill where I kind of hit my head on the ice, but I was okay, though I had a bit of a headache for a while. It was all worth it though. Jon Dansby and David Phillips gave talks on hell, heaven, the point of even believing in an after-life, and the necessity of understanding hell in order to understand what Jesus actually took upon Himself on the cross. It is unfathomable and we can only get a taste of what He experienced, but it is so highly necessary to understand how serious hell is and that there will in fact be eternal torment there for those without Christ, that there are people there right now even who died without Christ, and that if you don’t believe in Christ, hell awaits, the deserved, eternal wrath of God. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Thank God for Jesus Christ who by His blood ransomed men for His own possession! Anyway, I’m about to go out of town again down to San Antonio to be in a wedding for my friend Josh Sutton. Also, Courtney and I will be staying with Jason and Marla Smith, two former leaders with the high school group at CCBC, so that will be a ton of fun. Well, later …
Well, I had my first successful dryer cable replacement. Basic problem was that I initially had a three-prong 240V cable on my dryer and I have a 4 prong socket in the wall. I took the old one off (which was the easy part) and then hooked up the new one (which took way too long). For one, I dropped one of the major screws down inside the dryer, and 2) I was very carefully trying to follow instructions so that I didn’t shock the junk out of myself. The dryer worked well though after some nervousness about turning it on (i.e. starting a fire, electrocuting myself, or something else). I figured that in the worst-case scenario, I would trip the breaker, but you never know … whew.
Well, I made it, finally. Though it’s not technically official because I don’t have the diploma in my hand, I’m done with my classes. I’m not sure what I’m going to do with myself after all that. I’ll probably catch up on some movie’s, read a lot, study some more computer stuff, and other random things like finally cleaning out my closet. Man, praise God that by His strength, I was able to get through it. For those of you who are wondering, my degree will be a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT). Praise the Lord, He’s deserving of all the credit for me completing this. He gave me the abilities, the schedule, the job, and the will to get through it. Thanks to everyone for all their support, especially my sweet wife, Courtney. She’s been awesome through this as it has inevitably cut into time we could have been spending together. She has been totally understanding, loving, caring, supportive, and just what I needed to get it done. Praise God for His grace!
^^ Iced-over window – webcam shot ^^
Finally, it’s icing over and they’re saying it will probably snow later tonight. Sweet. Time to bust out the firewood for a good fire, spend time with Christ, read some scripture, hang out with my wonderful sweet wife, Courtney, and just chill. Man praise God for His blessings and how He loves to give gifts to His children! Praise God for hard times as well though and how He uses them to shape us more into the image of Christ! Praise God for all that He does in our lives to draw us to Himself. Everyone be safe out there …
Other Pictures:
I’m so excited about pumpkin pie.
Update (10:29 pm) – It was everything I thought it could be …