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Category: Technology Page 13 of 17

First Cyber-war Against a Nation, Estonia

http://www.westerfunk.net/archives/secu … 0Cyberwar/

Comcast Cable Modem Unveiled

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070509/ap_ … able_modem

Well this pretty much blows away current cable internet technologies … DOCSIS 3.0 is just around the corner for cable internet users.

My Take on Global Warming

The default response of conservatives seems to be one of ignoring scientific facts simply because global warming appears to be an issue taken on primarily by liberals (and if they don’t fight the liberals at every turn on every issue, they may lose an election in the future, as if that was the end of the world). I think it is highly ignorant of many fellow conservatives to have such a bias that you cast aside scientific data and facts for the sake of political lines. Can we be reasonable together for once? The actual debate in the scientific world over global warming (where it actually matters) has nothing to do with whether or not the Earth itself is warming. The facts are indisputable: the Earth is warming (Read this Senate testimonial from the Director of the National Climatic Data Center, if you want facts; his understanding based on actual numbers is that global warming is caused by both natural occurrences as well as man’s influence). The average global temperature is on an upward trend, and according to computer models, it will continue to increase this century based on many variables input into the equations that calculate these models. No reasonable, scholarly scientist debates whether or not the atmosphere is warming: it is in fact warming, based on mathematical calculations that are indisputable.

But here’s the real question of the debate that not every scientist agrees on: is global warming being caused by man or is it a natural occurrence beyond the realm of our control (that is beyond the realm of being able to do anything about it), or is it both? The debate is not about IF the Earth is warming, but whether or not man is causing the warming through the emission of green-house gases (CO, CO2 and CH4). And I for one, along with many other scientists, including officials at the National Weather Service (what I would deem to be a very reliable source), do not believe man is causing the warming trend as many suppose. Some of them dispute that, however there are many who do not. Is it a mere coincidence all the planets in our solar system are increasing in temperature at around the same pace as the Earth (article)? Hmm, could it be the sun has increased its energy output at a greater rate than anytime in the past 1000 years, thus causing warmer temperatures here as well as on venus, mars, jupiter and all the other planets? Could that be causing a majority of the warming? Seems reasonable to me. And if that’s the case, what in the world are we going to do about it by passing Senate bills that make global warming a national security issue?

Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem with reducing pollution through progressive infrastructure changes (world-wide, not just in the U.S.), but that will take some time to migrate everyone off of the current systems we have in place (you cannot do this overnight, or even in a few years). I don’t like breathing in toxic fumes everyday, nor does my asthmatic wife. So please, if we can reduce pollution, by all means, do it. My issue with the global warming craze though is the rashness of it all. In the twinkling of an eye, major companies, government officials, and others in our society are going green at every turn (what that even means as to how “going green” creates effective changes in the atmosphere, how there is a direct correlation to global warming, I have no idea). This just sounds like a marketing ploy to me to get you to buy their products, or vote for them, which is highly deceitful in my opinion.

Global warming is happening, but man may only be contributing to a very small percentage of the actual change in the global temperature. Should we stop polluting? Sure. But how are we going to create effective change at the industrial level, the place it matters the most for the global atmosphere? But even then, total green house gases (CO, CO2 and CH4) account for only 2% of the total of atmospheric gases. And of that, man is contributing a very small amount (something like 2% from what I’ve heard). So instead of being so rash and going from one extreme to another, maybe we should allocate most of our time, money and resources to preventing some of the catastrophes that may result from the indisputable rising temperatures instead of limiting any and everything within our infrastructure that makes our society run. “Going green” in every sector of the economy does not seem very effective. This is the natural tendency of man, to swing from one extreme to another. Again, hear me out in case you missed my position (because that seems to happen to almost every conservative I speak with about this): the Earth IS warming, but man IS PROBABLY NOT causing a majority of it.

Whoa man … talk about “1984”-ish Technology

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id … 20cameras/

This is freaky, particularly the parts about the cameras telling you when you are engaging in anti-social behavior. How exactly do you define “anti-social behavior”? So I assume eventually evangelism of any kind will be considered anti-social behavior (I mean it already is in many quarters)? Where does this stop though? Well, according to the track-record of mankind, it won’t stop there; it will continue on until something awful happens and only war will stop it. England is becoming a surveillance society on a scale never-before seen except in books like 1984, where you are told from a person you cannot see what you should and should not do. And as cultural trends go in Europe, so will they be here eventually. We are already beginning to see more and more cameras at traffic lights in our society, but even more than that, we are seeing them in the public square where we are constantly being watched. Man, do we need to be careful …

NetworkActiv 2.2

There is a new version of NetworkActiv’s PIAFCTM out, version 2.2, (FREE network monitoring software) that allows you to view the data within raw network packets. It also lets you re-assimilate html pages that are transferred over a network interface (can be handy for people desiring to extract data out of html/javascript code that may not otherwise be viewable in the browser by viewing the source within the page). The awesome thing about this new version is the ability to do network connection performance monitoring, something that wasn’t available in the last version I had (which was 1.5). So check it out …


hMailServer MySQL Database Files Locked After Power Outages

I had an issue where my “hMailServer” email servers (both incoming and outgoing) locked a MySQL database table file resulting from the continuous power outages. I looked up on the www.hmailserver.com forums for an answer and came up with this for anyone who uses hMailServer. This applies to those who installed hMailServer with the built-in MySQL database.

1) Open up the “my.ini” file within your hMailServerMySQL directory on your server. The default location is “C:Program FileshMailServerMySQL”.

2) Add the following line at the bottom of the list of entries:

The entries within the file should look like this:

basedir=C:Program FileshMailServerMySQL
datadir=C:Program FileshMailServerMySQLdata

3) Go into your Administrative Tools within the Control Panel, open up Services, first stop the “hMailServer” service and then the “hMailServerMySQL” service. Then start up “hMailServerMySQL” first, and then start “hMailServer”. This should fix the problem by automatically repairing the corrupt database file(s).


Solution Origin:

Upgrading Ubuntu 6.06 to 6.10 Breaks VNC4Server

If you are currently running any flavor of Ubuntu version 6.06 and desire to upgrade to version 6.10 and are running vnc4server with resumable desktop sessions, you need to know that this functionality will break. Instead what you will get when connecting to the linux machine removely is a grey screen that looks like this …

“Argh” you say … Well, the solution to fix this problem is to simply downgrade vnc4server to the version before the latest one and the problem should be resolved (has worked for most people with this issue so far). Do this in the gui interface on the machine by going to Applications > System > Synaptic Package Manager, find “vnc4server” in the long list of apps, elect it, then while still in the Synaptic Package Manager, go to the menu Package > Force Version, and you should now have the ability to downgrade vnc4server to the previous version. Apply the change, restart, and you should be back to square one (theoretically). If this doesn’t work, there is another work around I figured out, but it is a bit more complicated.

Hackers Attack Key Net Traffic Computers (AP)

http://www.breitbart.com/news/2007/02/0 … 39lll.html

Although hacking attacks are inevitably going to occur, it’s good to know that no major disruption was accomplished with this attack on the 13 top-level DNS servers as had occurred back in Oct 2002 when hackers successfully took down 3 of the 13 servers.

Webserver1 Power Supply Fried

Well, it finally happened … during an install of Windows XP nonetheless. I was getting tired of dealing with Windows 2000 Server and some of its overhead, so I decided to put XP on there, and for some reason, it used enough power to push my already fragile power supply over the edge. Gonna take a couple of days to get a new one, so its all good. I don’t have email right now, but it’s being forwarded to my two backup mail servers. So anyway, there’s the scoop. Kinda sticks, but oh well, not the end of the world, God is sovereign 🙂 Teaching me some about where I place to much of a priority actually. So praise God for that … it has been way overdue for a new power supply anyway, so it all works out. Email me at westerfunk@gmail.com if you need to get in touch with me …

Update … 1/31/2007

Got the webserver back up and running now. Email and all services are back up and running normally.

Configuring TCP/IP Using the Command Line in Windows 2000/XP

This could be very helpful for times you need to quickly switch back and forth between multiple IP configurations on the same network interface using a batch script.

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